06 Agricultural sciences


Shapka Victor Petrovych

Efficiency minimum tillage under spring barley in the northern steppes of Ukraine


Ushakova Svitlana Valeriivna

The usage of interbreed combinations for improving of productive qualities of pigs


Nechai Nadiia Mykolaivna

The acidifiers’ usage effectiveness in young meat-type quails nutrition


Vlasenko Anastasiia Serhiivna

Rare exotic dendrosozoflora ex situ of Steppe of Ukraine (structure, representativeness of cultivation, phytocoenodesign)


Soshenskyi Oleksandr Mykhailovych

Peculiarities of biometrics structure, wood sort and merchantability structure of linden tree stands in the Lisostep of Ukraine


Boyko Olexander Vasiliovich

Methods to improve reproductive ability of dairy cattle on a complex of traits in the Cherkassy region


Zmiievska Olena Anatoliivna

Breeding Value of Lines - Restores to Create Highly Heterosis Winter Rye Hybrids


Shakalii Svitlana Mykolaivna

The productivity and quality of grain of winter soft wheat in depending on mineral power plants and protection under Levoberezhnoy Forest-Steppe Ukraine


Usov Oleksii Semenovych

Optimization of growing technology of spring durum wheat in the eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Maksymov Maksym Valeryevich

Improvement of the technology of growing lentils under different moisture conditions


Ageev Andrii

Restoration of reinforced concrete hydraulic structures of reclamation systems using the structural repair method


Karpenko Liudmyla Dmytrivna

Productivity of soft spring wheat depending on the seeding rates at the territory of the Right-Bank Forest- Steppe of Ukraine.


Holubieva Tetiana Anatoliivna

Nutritional value of brewers dried grain and its use in feeding young quails


Kruk Olha Pavlivna

Assessment of meat efficiency of bulls depending on the gain of live weight and age of slaughter


Tokarchuk Maxim

Biological features of the goldenrod (Solidago canadensis L.) and scientific justification its effective system control in the right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine


Moshkivska Snizhana

Biological features of cow-parsnip of Sosnowskyi and scientific substantiation of an effective system of control in his right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine


Buzynnyi Mykola Volodymyrovych

The productivity of winter wheat (Triticum aesvitum) at the realisation of the varieties' genetic potential and elements of cultivation technology in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Tkachuk Ruslan Mykolayovych

Improving the design and calculation methods for drainage-modular systems with multi-level feeder drains


Hozh Oleksandr Anatolievich

Productivity of corn hybrids dependent on micronutrients and growth regulators on the irrigated lands of southern Ukraine


Kravchenko Vitalii Stanislavovych

Optimization of elements of technology of cultivation of spring wheat in southern forest-steppe of right-bank of Ukraine


Quint Viktoria Olexandrivna

Assessment of productive qualities of sheep Taurian Type Askanian fine fleece breed of different body structure.


Tymoshenko Оleksandr Oleksiiovych

Improvement of a method of an estimation and soya creation initial material for breeding on productivity


Dimitrov Sergey

Formation of productivity sunflower hybrids with genetic resistance to herbicides under steppes of Ukraine


Sikora Yuriy Volodymyrovych

Improvement of growing technology elements of tobacco seeds in the terms of western forest steppes


Kryzhanovskiy Vitaliy Grigorovich

The effectiveness of primary tillage in the fields of crop rotation link five peas-winter wheat-sugar beet in the conditions of Forest-Steppe of right-bank Ukraine.


Zubkovska Viktoriya Viktorivna

Features of phosphorus state of acid soils under different moisture conditions


Krylach Svitlana Ivanivna

The impact of agrophysical properties of sowing layer of typical chernozem on the germination of seed crops


Revtie Alina Viktorivna

Changing properties of chernozem podzolized medium loamy under anhydrous ammonia influence


Solomiichuk Mykhailo Petrovych

Biological-ecological peculiarities of Polymyxa betae K. - causative agent of beet's rhysomania and basic foundation the restricted measures in the conditions of Ukrainian Western Forest-steppe


Kupiedinova Rushena Asanivna

Improving the technology of drip irrigation network operation


Pedash Tetyana My'kolayivna

Root rot of winter wheat and substantiation measures of restricting their development in the northern Steppe of Ukraine


Kovalchuk Nataliia Serhiivna

Agrochemical efficiency of crops fertilizing system biologization on soft sod-podzolic soils


Borysenko Vitaliy Vladimirovich

Performance sunflower hybrids of different terms depending on the density of sowing and row spacing on the Right steppes


Leshchenko Oleksandra Yuriivna

Lolium perenne L.: varieties, plant adaptation, cultural phytocoenosis


Kovalevskyi Serhii Serhiiovych

Bioproductivity of forests in forest-steppe Dnieper Upland in terms of environmental impact


Krylov Yaroslav Ihorovych

Meliorative properties of oak forest in ravine-gully systems of the central part of the Dnieper Upland


Pilyarska Olena Oleksandrivna

Productivity of corn hybrid Cross 221M depending on the moisture conditions, fertilizers and plant population in the conditions of Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Novokhyzhnii Mykola Volodymyrovych

Formation of spring durum wheat yield depending on the level of intensification technology of its cultivation in southern Ukraine


Kykalo Maksym Mychailovych

Sugar beet productivity depending on elements of growing technology in conditions of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Tyshkovskyy Vladyslav Vyktorovych

Productivity fiber flax in short-term crop rotations, depending on the system fertilizer in Polyssya Ukraine


Strojanovsky Vasiliy Stanislavovych

The formation of productivity of potato the different groups ripeness in according to the ways of planting under the conditions of Western Forest - Steppe


Soroka Lyudmyla Volodymyrivna

Elements optimization of the field-seeded rocket salad and thin leaf cross weed growing technology on the right bank of the Forest steppe of Ukraine


Rop Ruslana Yriyivna

Optimization of technological elements of winter rape seeds cultivation in Western Forest Steppe area of Ukraine


Nesterenko Evgeniy Leonidovich

Agronomic stability of mutant lines in the gene pool of breeding and technology of the cultivation of table beet (Beta vulgaris L.)


Miroshnichenko Tetiana Mykolaivna

The initial material for tomato breeding created by the use of cell and tissue culture in vitro


Trach Ivan Vasuljovuch

Optimization of the soya growing sort technology during foliar fertilizing in conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe


Rarok Anton Vasilevich

The perfection of certain technology elements of buckwheat cultivation under the west steppe conditions


Kravchenko Vitalii Stanislavovych

Optimization of elements of technology of cultivation of spring wheat in southern forest-steppe of right-bank of Ukraine


Vlasenko Volodymyr Serhiiovych

Productivity of grain-row crop rotation in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine as affected by farming practices


Vasylenko Viktoria Ivanovna

Adaptability of new cherry cultivars and elite forms under the conditions of Ukraine's Lisosteppe


Ruban Natalia Oleksandrivna

Productive action animal feed with sunflower and soy lecithin in rearing geese.


Vorobel Mariia Igorivna

Milk productivity and metabolic processes in the organism of cows under the correction of vitamin and mineral nutrition


Kurach Oksana Volodymyrivna

Yield capacity of oil flax depending on growing technology elements in Western Forest-Steppe


Pavlenko Halyna Vasylivna

Formation of soybean yield depending on growing technology elements in Right-bank Forest-steppe


Voloshina Varvara Vladimirovna

Apple planting trees quality depending on the effect of the soil mulching of in a the nursery in the Right Bank Part of the Ukraine's Western.


Tymochko Igor Yaroslavovych

Forestry and Ecological Features and Coenopopulations State of Allium ursinum L. in the Forests of the Precarpathians


Kochuk-Yashchenko Olexander Anatoliyovich

Linear appreciation of cows exterior of Ukrainian Black-and-White and Red-and-White dairy breeds and its connection with production


Kolodii Serhii Viktorovych

Improving the weed protection of corn under different tillage methods in the Right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Humeniuk Olexandr Volodymyrovych

Creation of source breeding material of winter wheat when using global collection


Cherednychenko Irina Vasylivna

Agrophysical and colloid-chemical parameters of typical chernozem in the conditions of organic farming left bank steppes of Ukraine


Zaika Ievgenii Viktorovych

Estimation of polymorphism of bread wheat varieties for new genotypes creating


Bondar Tetiana Ivanivna

Root rot at spring rape and biological justification for measures restricting its development in the Right-Bank Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine


Bogatyr Liudmyla Viktorivna

Efficiency of methods of till of the drained organic soil and to fertilizer at growing of corn in Left-bank Forest-steppe.


Mosondz Natalia Petrivna

Formation of productivity of soybean varieties different groups of ripeness depending on the elements of growing technology in Right-bank Forest-Steppe.


Hrynchuk Kateryna Valeriivna

3. "Molecular diagnostic and identification of beet necrotic yellow vein virus"


Zvoleyko Dmitriy Vladimirovih

Effect of different types of milking machines on the process of milk flow, productivity of cows


Zhovtun Mykhailo Volodymyrovych

Varietal characteristics coriander productivity formation depending on seeding and mineral nutrition in Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Ukraine


Tokar Bohdan Yuriiovych

3. "Productivity of spring malting barley depending on mineral nutrition and retardant protection on Right-bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine"


Podobed Oksana Yuriivna

Influence of long-term use of fertilizers on the content of microelements in the soil of Northern Steppe of Ukraine


Getmanenko Viktoriya Anatoliyivna

Transformation of soil organic matter under the effect of municipal sewage sludge and composts application


Solovei Dar'ia Serhiivna

Pecularities of creation and application of "New Wave" gardens at the landscaping objects of Kyiv plateau


Klymenko Igor Viktorovych

The Influence of the Plant Growth Regulators, Biological Preparation and Mineral Fertilizers on Soybeans Productivity Depending on the Species and drip Irrigation


Tovstanovska Tetiana Grugorivna

Breeding value of linseed gene pool and creating on its basis source material for variety breeding in conditions of Southern Ukrainian Steppe


Shebanin Petro Oleksiyovych

Technological and breeding-genetic factors of increasing the productivity of pigs


Ishkhanyan Artur Rudolfovych

Improving reception productivity assessment pigs with different methods of breeding and the intensity of the formation of their body.


Borshch Оleksandr

The role of fattening factor at different technologies of management in realization of dairy cattle productive potential


Zborovska Olga

Vegetation potential of sandy soils of Zhytomyr Polissya.


Kulbanska Ivanna Mykolayivna

Fraxinus excelsior L. pathology in forest plantations of Western Podillya of Ukraine.


Abdullaieva Yana Alimovna

Distinctive features of sunflower broomrape maturity and elaboration of harm preventing measures under conditions of northern Ukrainian steppe.


Domashova Liliya Olexandrivna

Assessing the effect of genetic factors on the reproductive traits of Large White sows in the age dynamics


Panchenko Oleksandr Borysovych

The reproduction of black soil fertility depending on the model of the main tillage and fertilization in the grain cultivated rotation of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Kozyrev Valerii Valeriyovich

Influence of complex melioration activities on productivity of soybeans under irrigation weakly mineralized waters


Kotelnykov Dmytro Igorevych

The effectiveness of the methods of tillage and nutrition of maize in the South of Ukraine


Naydyonova Vira Opanasivna

Effect of basic soil tillage and seed inoculation on soybean performance on irrigated lands in Southern Ukraine


Petrenko Ivan Mykhailovych

Weeds harmfulness and optimization of its control in agrotcenosis of sugar beet under different farming systems in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Salnikov Serhii Mykolaiovych

Changes of soil fertility and productivity of sugar beet for different farming systems in the Right-bank-forest-steppe Ukraine


Shevel' Larisa Oleksiivna

Biological peculiarities of the Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees plants and their usage in the breeding process


Shutenko Taisa

Singe-stage method of sugar beet harvesting upon chemical pre-drying of seed bearing plants


Tsyhanska Olena Ivanivna

Formation of productivity of soybean varieties depending on the methods of macro- and microelements application under conditions of the Right-bank Forest-Steppe.


Pavlenko Vitalii Yuriiovych

Productivity of agrophytocenosis of blue lupin with naked oat under conditions of Right-bank Forest-Steppe


Ptashnyk Maksym Mykhailovych

The impact of fertilizer application rates and terms on yield and grain quality of winter rye on podzolic chernozem of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Abramov Dmytro Andriyovych

Assessment of the status of the main soil types of Right-Bank Ukraine Steppe by methods of multispectral space scanning


Brodovych Yurii Romanovych

Current state and ways to optimize the processes of recovery of beech mountain forests in the Ukrainian Carpathians.


Losyuk Vasyl' Petrovych

Forestry and environmental principles of environmental management in the forests of the National Natural Park "Huzulschyna."


Groza Varvara Igorivna

The improvement of technological reception of quails production


Klopenko Natalia Igorivna

Efficiency of absorbing crossbreedingin Ukrainian black-and-white dairy cattle herds


Hahin Andrii Oleksandrovych

The variability and inheritance of agronomic traits of common vetch


Yurchenko Tetiana Vasylivna

Variability of agronomic traits in hybrid generations of soft winter wheat in response to mutagens


Chernobai Sergii Volodymyrovych

Plants Development and Spring Barley Crop Capacity Depending on the Seeding Rate and the Top-dressing in the Eastern Part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Fedorenko Маryna Viktorivna

Breeding durum spring wheat for lodging resistance and plant productinty for the conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine