06 Agricultural sciences


Shkliar Vitalii Mykolaiovych

Humus state of gray forest soil dependeng from chemical melioration and different fertilization systems


Boris Natalia Evgenivna

The productivity of corn with using different basic soil cultivation methods and sowing in a grain short crop rotation of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe.


Nikulcha Yevgen Vasylovych

The influence of biologically-active preparation on the development and producing capacity of grapes under the conditions of the south of Ukraine


Artyukh Mykola Mykolajovych

Improvement of technological practices of growing of grape transplants, based on the use of biologically active preparations


Kovalyuk Olesya Mikhaylovna

Reasoning of the peculiarities of formation of seed productivity tobacco different sort types, according to agro-ecological and morphobiological factors


Kokoiko Vasyl Vasylovych

Optimization of technology elements of growing squash varieties in Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Boyko Mykola Aleksandrovich

Agro-biological substantiation of the elements of grain sorghum production technology in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Pankieiev Sergiy Volodymyrovich

Productivity of Winter Wheat Varieties Depending on the Nutrition Background and Moistening Conditions in the South of Ukraine


Smetanko Olexander Vasilyevich

Effectiveness elements biologization technology of growing winter wheat in conditions of South Steppe of Ukraine


Konovalov Davyd Vitaliyovych

Optimization of technology to for accelerated reproduction of winter wheat seed basic in Northern Steppes of Ukraine


Bondar Svitlana Olexandrivna

Evaluation of milk production characteristics of the formation of herds of cattle of different breeds


Prudius Taras Iaroclavovuch

The efficiency of the biologically active feed additive "Activio" usage in geese and broiler chicken feeding


Fiialovych lesia Mykolaivna

The use of dry apple pomaces enrichment with chelate compounds and enzyme preparation in feeding of geese


Liubchych Mykola Vasylovych

Improvement of approaches to the evaluation of growing stand assortment-grade structure


Pastukh Oleksandr Dmytrovych

Features of agrobiocenosis formation of compatible crops of millet and buckwheat depending on the application of biological products in terms of western forest steppes


Hrudko Natalia Oleksandrivna

Optimizing the technology of the rearing of paddlefish (Polyodon spathula (Walbaum)) fishstock in conditions of the southern Ukraine (in example of the production-experimental Dnieper sturgeon fish hatchery)


Kovalyshyn Iryna Bohdanivna

Biological and Ecological Features of the Genus Clematis L. Plants in Kyiv Conditions


Holiaka Maryna Andriivna

Silvicultural-ecological features of dynamics wood detritus in birch stands Ukrainian Polissya


Vega Nataliia Ihorivna

Agrochemical estimation of modern fertilization of spring barley оn the dark gray podzolized soil in Western Forest Steppe of Ukraine


Ogorodnya Albina Ihorivna

Domestication of podzolized soils with the help of phytoameliorative measures (on the example of Kharkiv region)


Pishchan Ilona Stanislavivna

Adaptation of cows Swiss breed to the industrial technology of milk production in the Steppe zone of Ukraine


Askarov Viktor Rustamovich

Productivity of new generation sugar beet hybrids for the use of complex microfertilizers and fungicides in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Shamsutdinova Anastasia Vasylyvna

Peculiarities of crop yield formation and quality of sugar beet root crops according to micronutrient fertilizers application in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Krasnovskyi Sergiy Anatolyevich

Breeding value of corn inbred lines as a component of cold tolerance high yielding hybrids.


Shutyi Oleksandr Ivanovych

Improvement technology of growing spring durum wheat in conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Olekshii Liudmyla Myroslavivna

Sugar Beet Productivity as Depending on Application of Growth Regulators and Miсrofertilizers in Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Chetveryk Oksana Oleksandrivna

Breeding Value of Bread Winter Wheat Cultivars in Terms of a Set of Morpho-Biological Traits in Topcross and Diallel Cross Schemes


Leonova Nina Mykolaivna

Sunflower Breeding with Using Heterosis Effect in Confectionery F1 Hybrids


Lakyda Maryna Oleksiyivna

Biotic productivity of State organization "Residence" Zalissya": current state and dynamics.


Petrochenko Alexey Vyacheslavovich

Improving the technology of water purification and distribution in group water supply systems


Nesterenko Olena Mykhaylivna

Optimization of the Ekological Reclamation Condition of Territories by WT unter the Impact of Canals and Irrigation Systems


Voziian Valeriia Valeriivna

Development of the technology for the production of cereal products of spelt wheat grain.


Hapich Hennadii Vasilevich

Increase of operational safety of ground hydraulic engineering constructions of water-reclamation purpose


Kobets Oleksii Volodymyrovych

Features of state, growth and formation of oak stands of the Velikoanadolsky forest area


Rumiantsev Maksym Gryhorovych

Features of natural regeneration of the main forest forming species in oak forests in the Left-bank Forest-Steppe


Sidorenko Sergiy Gryhorovych

Postpyrogenic growth of Scots pine stands in the Left-bank Forest - Steppe of Ukraine


Floka Liudmyla Valeriivna

Ways to improve the productivity qualities of Red White-belted pigs.


Naryzhnaya Olga Leonidivna

Effective use of purebred and terminal boars in combination with sows of large white breed in terms of farming


Fedoruk Nataliya Mykolayivna

Different levels of protein and lysine impact on African ostriches performance and metabolism


Skarednov Dmytro Yurijovych

Using the product of deep hydrothermal treatment of soybeans at fattening pigs on meat


Ilnytska Olena Yuriivna

Breeding by lines and families of Subcarpathian interbreed type of Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed


Kolisnyk Oleg Mykolayovych

Resistance of self-pollinated lines and hybrids of corn to basic illnesses and pests in the conditions of Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Lukashuk Vita Petrivna

Increasing the productivity of dried mineral soils by applying biological melioration.


Brovko Dmytro Fedorovych

Phytomelioration of the sand soils in the Green Zone Kyiv town


Yevtushenko Yuliia Volodymyrivna

Biological and ecological peculiarities of Aesculus carnea Hayne and prospects of its use in Kyiv landscaping


Rassadina Iryna Yuriivna

Optimization of mineral nutrition of spring false flax on podzolized black soil in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Nikitina Olga Volodymyrivna

Changing potassium status of podzolic chernozem at long application of fertilizers in the field crop rotation in terms of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Al-Dzhanabi Kasim Toban Bazun

Productivity of wheat winter and fertility of soil in short term crop rotations depending on till and fertilizer in Danube Steppe of Ukraine


Melnyk Oleksandr Mykolaiovych

Biological productivity and ecological potential of forests of the National Nature Park «Prypiat-Stokhid»


Shvets Iryna Vladyslavivna

Darmera peltata (Torr. еx Benth.) Voss in the city of Kiev: morphology, reproductive biology and autecology


Dukhina Nataliya Grigorevna

Methods for adaptation of the original seed material of potatoes in terms of the Eastern Forest Steppe of Ukraine


Semybratska Tamara Vitaliivna

Ways of optimization of early potato production in the Eastern Steppe of Ukraine


Datsenko Svetlana Maksimovna

The Formation of yield and quality of table beet in different systems of fertilizers and biological preparations in the conditions of Eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine


Demtsyura Yurij Vasyliovych

Feed efficiency of alfalfa-grass swards for different methods of seeding and fertilizer in the Forest-Steppe Right-Bank


Chernetska Svitlana Grigorivna

Feed Productivity of Grass Mixture of Spring Triticale and Peas Depending on the Ratio of Components, Sowing Method and Fertilization under the Conditions of the right-bank Forest-Steppe


Chorna Viktoriya Myhaylivna

Formation of Soybean Seed Yield and Quality under the Effect of Inoculation and Retardant in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe


Taranenko Yurii Mykolaiovych

Features of Scots pine planting material growing from seeds with improved hereditary properties in the Left-bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine


Polishchuk Sergiy Sergiyovych

Breeding and genetic foundations of hull-less barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars development for food (feed) end-use


Prysyazhnyuk Mykola Petrovych

The justification of bioorganic elements of winter wheat growing practice in the conditions of western forest-steppe


Chaploutskyi Andrii Mykolaiovych

Apple-tree productivity depending on the method and the term of the canopy pruning in the conditions of the Right-bank forest-steppe zone of Ukraine


Shevel Vitaliy Ihorovych

Shaping to productivities and quality of grain varieties millet depending on sowing dates and background of fertilizer in condition of South of Ukraine


Iskakova Oksana Shamiliyivna

Productivity of potato of different groups their ripeness according to the terms of nutrition on the drop irrigation in the conditions of southern Ukraine


Muntian Liudmyla Varikоvna

The productivity of winter wheat varieties on seeding and fertilizing in rice crop rotations in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Mushyk Bohdana Vasylivna

The features of forming of the productivity of hulled and scarious oat in north part in the Right-bank Forest-steppe.


Ryabokіn Taras Myhailovych

Features yield formation of different varieties of pea morphotypes depending on the intensification of cultivation technology in the northern part of the Right-Bank Forest-steppe


Dibirov Rasul Magomedovich

Justification of the main parameters loose housing of high producing dairy cows on deep straw bedding


Dytso Oksana Valeriyivna

High-quality features of formation of seed production and sowing qualities of seeds of winter rye in the conditions of Forest-Steppe of Western Ukraine


Makarchuk Maryna Oleksandrivna

Improvement of crossbreeding methods for raising the efficiency of hybrid maize seed production.


Riabchenko Eduard Mykolaivna

Creating of the self-pollinated lines of maize on the basis plasma Lancaster with using the haploid method


Pelekhata Natalia Pavlivna

Efficiency of the methods of the rootstock UUPROZ-6 vegetative propagation


Yaremko Nadiia Oleksandrivna

Substantiation of the elements of the technology of growing hazelnut layers in the Ukraine's Right-Bank Lisosteppe


Bordun Roman Mykolayovych

Erosional firmness of agrolandscapes in the system of soil protection contour meliorative farming in the Northeastern Forest-Steppe.


Sladkovska Tetyana Anatoliivna

Seed Yield of Permanent Grasses Depending on the Elements of Technology Growing under the Conditions of Ukrainian Polissya.


Shalovylo Yuliia Ihorivna

The molecular-genetic basis stability of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) to bacterial diseases


Marno-Kutsa Olena Yuriyivna

Green areas of settlements Cherkassy region: current state and development prospects.


Myronchuk Kateryna Vasylivna

Ecological and biological characteristics of hedges formation under conditions of the Bukovynian Precarpathians.


Taras Ulyana Mykhajlivna

Restoration of plant groups on the devastated lands of Yavoriv sulphur pit.


Kharyton Ivan I

Features of formation of the resonance wood of Picea abies (L.) Karst. in biotopes of north-east megaslope of Ukrainian Carpathians.


Krachkovska Mar’iana Volodymyrivna

Architectural and planning organization, greening and landscaping of the Universities academic buildings territories in Kyiv


Humeniuk Vasyl Volodymyrovych

Postfire Scots Pine forests restoration of The Poliskiy Nature Reserve


Syvenko Oleksandr Anatoliiovych

Breeding-Genetic Features of Sunflower Male Forms and Creation of Highly Heterosis Sunflower Hybrids


Suddenko Vladyslav Yuriiovych

Productivity of grain and seeds soft spring wheat on cultivation technology elements under conditions of Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Stepenko Tetiana Anatoliivna

Selection and monitoring of genetic source material for sweet pepper heterosis in glass


Datsko Miron Osipovich

Formation of bioenergetic agro-ecological systems on artificially drained sod-podzolic soils of the left-bank forest zone (Polissya) of Ukraine


Tkalych Iurii Vadimovich

Adaptive potential of source material for breeding of cutting leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. secalina L.)


Antonuk Andrey Valentinovich

Improving technical and operational parameters of multitower sprinkling machines


Nozdrina Nataliya Leonidivna

Yielding capacity and grain quality of soft winter wheat depending on the technological methods of growing in the Northern Steppe


Mandrovska Svitlana Mykolayivna

Agroecological basics of the introduction of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Vologdina Galyna Borysivna

Creation of bread winter wheat source material and varieties using samples bred at Bulgaria under conditions Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Prykhodko Nataliia

Substantiation of resource-saving parameters of water use technology in the rice irrigation systems in the variable climate conditions (the case of the Danubian RIS in the Odessa region)


Loshkova Yuliia Mikolaivna

Technological and biological aspects of cultivation two summer fishes of a carp for installation in river Dnieper lower reaches


Kurinenko Ganna Anatolyivna

Rearing of peled (Coregonus peled Gmelin, 1788) using different technologies in conditions of fish farms of Ukraine


Volichenko Yuri Nickolaevich

Optimization of carp's fingerlings cultivation under the pasturable technology in the conditions of the south Ukraine


Tsymbal Yaroslav Stanislavovich

The Selection of fodder crops for the forage growth cycle using different fertilizer in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe


Panchyshyn Vasyl Zenonovych

Productivity of joint oats seeding with pea and cabbage plants depending of elements of growing technologies under the terms of Polуssуa area.


Shcherbachuk Viktor Nikolaevych

Optimization of soybean growing technology elements under Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine condition


Bobrov Ivan Oleksiyovich

Spread and injuriousness of pine bark bug in the stands of Novgorod-Siverske Polissya


Sokolova Irina Mikolayivna

Spread and injuriousness of stem insects of unclosed Scots pine plantations in pine forests in Siversky Donets river valley


Kovbasa Yaroslav Volodymyrovych

Mortmass of birch forests in Chernigiv region


Rybak Oleksandr Vasylovych

Silvicultural and environmental features of pine stands involving red oak in the fresh pine sites of Kyiv Polissia