06 Agricultural sciences


Pogorelova Anastasiya

Influence of endogenous and exogenous factors on productivity and reproductive traits of rabbits


Kovalchuk Oksana Igorevna

Formation of seed productivity and seed quality of winter triticale seeds in the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Mamiedova Elmira Ilgarovna

Agrobiological features of growing barley in the Northern Steppe of Ukraine


Topchii Oksana Vladimirovna

Development of elements of technology of lentil cultivation in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine.


Dryga Viktoriya Viktorovna

Formation of plant material - miskanthus rhizomes depending on the conditions of its growing.


Biriukova Olha Volodymyrivna

Breeding Value and Biological Features of Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) Starting Material in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Kompanets Kateryna Valentynivna

Breeding Value of Barley Cultivars in Terms of Morpho-Biological, Adaptive and Breeding-Genetic Features in the Diallel Crossing Design


Nyska Iryna Mykolaivna

Breeding Value of the Spring Barley Gene Pool Accessions by Complex Resistance to Biotic and Abiotic Factors in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Alokhin Volodymyr Vasylovych

The potato yielding capacity increase as to the optimization of growing technology elements in western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Dymytrov Viacheslav

Formation of soybean productivity depending on biological characteristics and optimization of elements of cultivation technology in the conditions of the forest-steppe of Ukraine


Maievska Nataliia Mykolaivna

Integrated estimation of the productivity of boars under conditions of the industrial technology


Herasymchuk Viktor Mykolaiovych

Estimation and improvement of the ventilation systems for pig farms of different purposes


Kulyk Svitlana Mykolaivna

Efficiency of soybean fertilization depending on the acidity of sod-podzolic soils in the conditions of Western Polissia


Zasukha Ludmyla

Development and improvement of the ways of keeping and feeding subsys sows and young pigs


Vus Nadiia Oleksiivna

Breeding Value of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Starting Material by Adaptability to Biotic and Abiotic Factors in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Dovbush Elena Semenovna

An impact of micronutrient fertilizers and fractional consistency of seeds on the productivity and quality of seeds of variety of rice


Ivchenko Volodymyr Mykolaiovych

Biological features common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) and improving the protection crops of peas in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Kononenko Iryna Serghijivna

A full evaluation of young sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus L., 1758), which is received using cryobiotechnologies


Borodin Andriy Leonidovych

Agrophysical properties of the soil sowing layer as a basis for improving the technology and tools for the pre-sowing treatment


Kulibaba Svitlana Victorivna

Effectiveness of using premixes containing chelating complexes of glycine hydrates of copper, zinc and manganese in dairy cows feeding


Shevchenko Iryna Anatoliivna

Determination of the hydroecological state of reservoirs in Ukraine using remote monitoring methods


Netis Valeriy

Optimization elements of technology cultivation of soybean on irrigated lands of southern Ukraine


Penteliuk Olena Serhiivna

Inner dendro diversity of Aesculus L. urban environment of Kyiv (adaptation to entomological stress, secondary metabolism, resistance)


Boiko Hanna Oleksiivna

Мykobiot of seeds result in the current Zhytomyr Polisse and its impact on growth processes scots pine


Didenko Maksym Mykhailovych

Natural seed regeneration of European oak in the southern part of the Left-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Tereshchenko Yana Yuriivna

Selection of industrialassortment of red and white currants for the Western Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Lysianskyi Oleksandr Leonidovych

Efficiency of fertilization of green manure crops in podzolized chernozem of Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Lykhochvor Andriy Mikolaevich

The yield and quality of winter false flax seeds depending on the impact of growing technology elements in the conditions of the Western Forest – Steppe


Vasko Viktoriia Oleksandrivna

Variability of Quantitative and Qualitative Traits in M1-M3 Sunflower Influenced by Dimethyl Sulphate and Gamma Rays


Kovalska Stanislava Serhiivna

Plant biomass dynamics of the Southern Prydniprovske Polissya artificial pine forests


Dovbash Nadiia Ivanivna

Changes in the properties of gray forest soil and corn productivity in conditions of contamination of ecotopes by heavy metals


Buhaiov Serhii Mykolaiovych

Features of formation and growth of alder stands of the Left-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Kotliarevska Uliana Mykolaivna

Woody debris of black alder stands of Ukrainian Polissya


Кucheruk Anna Ivanivna

Biological aspects of the propagation of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus L.) in conditions of the Carpathian region


Lesnik Oleksandr Mykolaiovych

Form factor and size-quality structure of Aesculus hippocastanum trees in stands of Kyiv city


Seheda Yurii Yuriiovych

Proceeding in planting of oak ordinary (Quercus robur L.) in to Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine by a planting-stock with closed rootage


Zaporozhchenko Viktoria Yuriivna

Developing water saving irrigation regimes of the alfalfa in the Steppe and Forest Steppe Zones of Ukraine


Beznitska Natalia Valerivna

Formation of fertility and productivity indices of reclaimed soils under conditions of regional climate change (on the example of Kherson region)


Tkachuk Oksana Mykhajlivna

Water-regulating and soil protectiоn role of forests of Precarpathians


Karpyn Natalya Ivanivna

Species of the genus Tilia L. in the greenery in Lviv


Yanovska Iryna Mykolayivna

Structural characteristics and regeneration of monodominant beech primeval forest in conditions of wet megatrophic pure beech forest type


Rudavska Natalya Mykolaivna

Formation of legume-cereal grass mixture productivity depending on technological measures of growing in the conditions of the western Forest-Steppe.


Shtakal Viktor Mykolaiovych

Productivity of cereal meadow grass canopies of different species and varietal composition on drained organogenic soils of Left-Bank Forest-Steppe


Lazareva Ludmila

Improvement of approaches to assessing the quality and safety of bee honey


Kalenych Pavlo Yevheniiovych

Optimization elements of the technology of production of high quality winter wheat seeds and their influence on crop quality in the right-bank Forest-steppe


Mazur Olena Vasylivna

Estimation of Genotypes of Common Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) by Economic and Biological Characteristics in the Conditions of the Forest-Steppe of the Right Bank


Iezerkovskyi Artur Vladyslavovych

Efficiency of methods of cultivation of peat-glued soil for growing rye of winter and buckwheat in the Left-bank Forest-steppe


Rakul Inna Оleksandrіvna

Creation and evaluation of the source material for the breeding of hybrids of sunflower confectionery use


Didenko Igor Anatoliyovich

The optimization of petiole celery growing technology in the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Voloshyn Volodymyr Mykolaiovych

Formation and efficient use of the meadow grass canopies on grey forest soil of the Right-bank Forest-steppe


Les Mykhailo Mykhailov

Ecological and biological features of growing extensive oyster mushroom (Pleuro-tus Ostreatus) under Lviv Roztochchya.


Datsyuk Inna Valerievna

Using premiksov Yntermyks in feeding pigs Growing on meat


Lyubasyuk Nazariy Vasilyevich

Use of protein-vitamin-mineral supplements Intermiks in feeding pigs


Shvets' Maryna Vasylivna

Bacterial dropsy Betula pendula Roth. in the Zhytomyr Polissya of Ukraine (etiology, symptomatic, pathogenesis).


Plotka Vitalij Vitalijovych

Selection of early ripening cold-resistant maize hybrids on the basis of flint inbred lines


Bondarenko Vladislava Viktorivna

The use of protein-vitamin mineral supplement "Minaktyvit" in the feeding of young pigs


Biliavtseva Viktoria Viktorivna

The productivity of young pigs, which were fed with BVMD "Enervic"


Pantsyreva Ganna Vitaliyivna

The formation of lupine white grain productivity depending on technological methods influence in conditions of right-bank Forest-steppe zone


Prus Leonid Ivanovych

Justification varietal cultivation technology soybeans in the western Forest


Lotysh Igor

Formation of soybean varietal yield depending on the elements of cultivation technology in the conditions of the Left Bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Bakumenko Olha Mykolayivna

Combinative ability of winter wheat varieties with wheat-rye translocations under the conditions of the forest-steppe of Ukraine


Shmatkovska Kateryna Andriyivna

The spread of grapevine trunk diseases and improvement measures to limit their damage in conditions of the Northern Black Sea


Kyrysha Ruslan Olexandrovych

Improvement of the Regulating Network of Drainage Modular Systems by Vertical Draining Elements


Porohnyach Ihor Volodymyrovych

The current condition and characteristics of formation of spruce stands in Novgorod-Severske Polissya


Feshchuk Oleksandr Mykolaiovych

Silver scab of potato and events limiting its development in a Woodlands of Ukraine


Shapar Ludmila Vladimirovna

Seed production of winter rape varieties depending on sowing time and seeding rates in the southern steppes of Ukraine


Kozachok Oleksandr Leonidovych

Optimization of Soybeans Nutrition Conditions for Resource-Saving Growing Technology on the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Zaima Oleksii Andriiovych

Resistance of winter wheat varieties against major leaf diseases and justification of protective measures in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Vintskovska Yuliya Yuriivna

Formation of apple fruit quality in the Right-bank part of the Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Milenko Olha Gryhorivna

Ecological and biological justification of soybean cultivation technology elements in the conditions of Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Melnychuk Ruslan Vasyliovych

Genetic diversity of the genus Calendula L. as a starting material for breeding


Bondarenko Veronika Anatoliivna

Storage qualities of Broccoli and Brussels sprouts


Chusovitina Nataliia Mykolayivna

Yellow rust of winter wheat and original material creating resistant to the pathogen (Puccinia striiformis West. f. sp. tritici Erikss. Et Henn.) In southern steppe of Ukraine conditions.


Nosov Serhii Serhiiovych

Optimization of technological measures of grain corn growing in the conditions of Northern Steppe of Ukraine


Katerynchuk Iryna Mykolayivna

Formation of spring rape crops seedy productivity depending on the elements of cultivation technology in the northern part of Right-bank Forest-Steppe.


Knignitska Lyubov Petrivna

Efficiency of methods of basic soil tillage and fertilization for the cultivation of flax in the conditions of Precarpathians region


Pryadko Yuri Mykolaiovych

Features of the formation of grain productivity of winter wheat with the use of sideral crops under the conditions of the northern Steppe of Ukraine.


Dziubenko Irina Nikolaevna

The productivity of sugar beet hybrids according to the application of microfertilizers and harvesting time in the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Bazhina-Halushko Natalia Oleksandrivna

Desalination of ordinary beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and development of a system for its protection in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine


Piotrovych Nataliya Anatoliivna

Formation of sows reproductive characteristics of and their combinational ability assessment


Martynenko Viktor Mykhailovych

Influence of fertilizer systems and tillage of chernozem typical on its fertility and productivity of short crop rotation


Palamarchuk Oleksandr Mykolaiovych

Productivity of winter wheat depending on predecessors and stand density in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Myhlovets Oleksandr Petrovych

Optimizing control of weed-infested soybean crops in different farming systems in terms of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Poslavska Yuliia Volodymyrivna

The influence of different factors on the formation of milk productivity and efficiency of lifetime use of Ukrainian Black-Spotted dairy cows


Kuzmenko Valentyna Ivanovna

The main diseases of the tomato and the substantiation of measures to limit their harm in the conditions of the left bank of the forest-steppe of Ukraine.


Odarchenko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych

Optimization of basic soil cultivation in growing spring barley in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Khmelnychiy Sergiy Leontiyovich

Evaluation animals exterior type of Ukrainian interbreed Sumy Black-and-White dairy breed


Blystiv Vasyl' Ivanovych

Formation of hornbeam-beech forest stands in Transcarpathian region, their stability and water-regulating role.


Shtogryn Andrij Stepanovych

Forestry-selective peculiarity plantation of Douglas Fir(Pseudotsuga Menziesii(Mirb.) Franko)in the Ukrainian Carpathians.


Matusyak Mykhajlo Vasyl'ovych

Forestry and ecological features of reforestation processes and their stimulation in the oak forests of Podillia.


Levus Taras Mihaulovish

Ecological-biological features of the formation of rock gardens in the conditions of the Western Forest-steppe.


Bila Yuliya Mykolayivna

Formation of agroforestry complex of ecologically balanced agricultural landscapes in the South-Eastern part of Gully Steppe


Prylipko Iryna Serhiivna

Stem production of trees and stands of birch Chernigiv Polssya


Shepeliuk Mariia Oleksandrivna

The dendroflora of Lutsk: formation, species composition, biological and ecological peculiarities


Odarchenko Iryna Serhiivna

Agrotechnological foundations of poplar plantations cultivation in Volyn Polissya and Opillya conditions


Lastovska Iryna Oleksandrivna

Reasoning and development of resource-saving technologies of beef production


Omelian Alina Mykolaivna

Growth, digestibility of feed and meat productivity of quails at different levels and ratios of arginine and lysine in mixed fodders


Papchenko Oleksandr Viktorovych

The formation of productivity of bee colonies under various conditions of honey gathering


Nesterchuk Vasyl Volodymyrovych

Performance sunflower hybrids based on stand density and plant micronutrients in South of Ukraine


Likhovid Pavlo Volodimirovich

The productivity of sweet corn depending on soil treatment, fertilizers, plants thickness as a result of drip irrigation