06 Agricultural sciences


Akuaku Jones J.

Yield and quality of sunflower seeds depending on foliar fertilization and growth regulators in the conditions of the Left-Bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Klipakova Yuliia O.

The productivity of winter wheat varieties under the influence of treaters and plant growth regulator in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Sobran Ivan V.

Evaluation of collection and creation of breeding Smooth Brome Grass stock within the Ukrainian forest-steppe


Marinich Lyubov G.

Evaluation of collection and creation of breeding Smooth Brome Grass stock within the Ukrainian forest-steppe


Yavnyi Mykhailo I.

Forests and Sanitary State of the Elm Stands of Kyiv Polissya and Their Rehabilitation


Haichuk Serhii I.

Features of Taxation Structure and Dimensional-Qualitative Structure of Overmature Beech Forest Stands of the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains


Savoskina Anna M.

Rare Exotic Dendrosozoflora Ex Situ of Ukrainian Polissya (Structure, Representativeness of Cultivation, Phytocoenodesing)


Nechmilov Victor M.

The technological methods optimization of the rearing the hybrid’s young pigs of Irish breeding under the conditions of industrial technology


Shpetnyi Mykola B.

Optimization of technological elements of maintenance of weaned piglets in conditions of industrial pork production technology


Bordiuzha Ihor P.

Optimization of Mineral Nutrition of Potato for Growing on Dark Gray Opodzolic Soil in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Dubrovets Bohdana V.

Biotic Potential and Ecological Functions of Forests of National Natural Park «Holosiivskyi»


Horbatiuk Eduard Mykhailovych

The Formation of Sunflower Hybrids Productivity Depending on the Sowing Terms and Row Spacing in the Conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine


Doktor Nataliia Myhaliivna

Productivity Formation of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Varieties Depending on Inoculation and Fertilizer in Conditions of Transcarpathia of Ukraine


Unuchko Oleksandr O.

Effectiveness of elements okra (Hibiscus esculentus L.) growing technology in the Right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Karpenko Kostiantyn K.

Technological and biological peculiarities of tomato’s productivity formation during the organic production in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Diatel Oleksandr O.

Formation of water exchange and its forecasting in the conditions of technogenesis in the reclaimed territories of Volyn Polissya


Mertsalo Myroslava Viktorivna

Lichen forests (Cladonio-Pinetum Juraszek 1927) of West Polissya of Ukraine: distribution, current state and conservation concerns


Chereuta Yuriu Volodumurovih

Substantiation of separate technological solutions and means for artificial insemination of pigs.


Geval Volodymyr Fedorovych

Seed potential and peculiarities of cultivation of planting stock of the species of the family of Aesculus (horse chestnut) in Western Ukraine


Fediaeva Anna S.

Substantiation of an effective system of breed-linear hybridization with the use of terminal boars.


Gajova Ludmila O.

Adaptive elements of cauliflower production technology in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Koblaj Svitlana V.

Breeding value of different morfotypes of peas for the conditions in the South of Ukraine


Koval Halyna Volodymyrovna

Intensity level of fall ploughing and phytosanitary state of crops of short-rotation crop rotation of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Pavlichenko Andrey Andreevich

Crop rotation productivity depending on systems of basic soil cultivation and fertilization in the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Hotvianska Anna Sergijvna

Elements of energy-efficient technology of onion cultivation for food and seed purposes for the Northern Steppe of Ukraine


Tymko Liudmyla Volodymyrivna

Adaptability and yield of seed material varieties of potatoes different groups of ripeness in the conditions of the Polissya of Ukraine


Korol Larysa Volodymyrivna

Formation of the biological potential of peas depending on the application of fertilizers and growth regulators under the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Prudky Roman Ivanovych

Technological peculiarities of spinach crop yield formation for organic production in the Right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine


Adamenko Olga

Features of development and measures to limit harmfulness of soybean fusariosis in the conditions of the eastern part Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Rozhko Viktoriia Islamivna

Improvement of water use in the Dnipro-Donbas canal zone of influence on the basis of water resource quality modeling


Pushchak Volodymyr Ihorovych

Productivity of chickpea cultivars depending on intensification of growing technology under conditions of the Western Forest Steppe


Tyrus Maria L.

The Formation of Sugar Beet Productivity depending on the Influence of Agrotechnical Measures in the Western Forest-Steppe


Abelmasov Oleksiy V.

Adaptation of source material, allied with plasma Iodent in selecting early-season hybrids of corn for steppe zone of Ukraine


Blaida Ivanna Mukolaivna

Use of probio-feed additives «PROPIGplv» in sows feeding repair and fattening young pigs


Makhova Tеtyana V.

Formation of oil flax productivity of the food direction depending on the elements of cultivation technology in the conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine


Druzhbyak Andriy Yo.

Productive effect of the type of feed on the functional condition of honey bees in the process of preparation and wintering


Taran Vitalii H.

Performance of Corn Hybrids Depending on the Plants Morphotype, Plants Density and Fertilizer in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Prorochenko Tetiana I.

Features of development and productivity of spring rape (Brassica napus f. annua D. C.) depending on the elements of growing technology in the Right-bank Forest-steppe


Velychko Serhii Mykolaiovych

Improvement of the technology of production of bee bread


Alekseichuk Olha M.

Elements of the Varietals Spinach Growing Technology in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Voievoda Liliia I.

Optimization of technology for growing chicory salad witloof in the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Voloshchuk Oleksandr V.

Substantion of the use of French breeders breasts for industrial breeding


Postolenko Liudmila Valentinovna

Influence of the soil management systems and irrigation on the black currant growth and productivity in the Ukraine`s Western Lisosteppe


Olejnikov Yevgen S.

The main diseases of soft winter wheat leaves under the conditions of the Eastern part in Ukrainian Forest-steppe and the use of optimum protection measures


Bovsunovska Olha V.

Fodder productivity of Hungarian vetch in binary mixtures with winter triticale on the right-bank Forest-steppe


Haidai Liubov Serhiivna

Peculiarities of productivity formation and functioning of bean-rhizobial symbiosis of common Beans under the conditions of right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Solonenko Serhii Vasylovych

Optimization of cultivation technology elements of safflower in the conditions of the Western forest-steppe


Bodnar Yuriy Dmitrievich

Transformation of agrophysical and agrochemical properties of gray forest soil for long-term application of fertilizers in field crop rotation.


Zakhliebaev Maxim Volodymyrovych

Formation the productivity of white sweet clover in compatible sowings in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe.


Onyshchuk Nataliia

Estimation of the soil cover of Goshcha district of Rivne oblast


Shevchenko Nataliia Vasylivna

Influence of technological methods of cultivation on the productivity of corn hybrids for the production of bioethanol in the conditions of Right bank Forest-steppe


Tarnavska Katerine Petrivna

Biological features and economic value of Ukrainian apple clones (Malus domestica Borkh.) of the Jonagold variety in the conditions of the Western forest-steppe of Ukraine.


Artemyeva Kateryna Sergiyivna

Efficiency of new complex organo-mineral fertilizers on chernozem is typical in the conditions of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Meshref Radwan B.

Change of the buffer properties of sod-podzolic soils of light granulometric composition due to cultivation by structural amelioration


Morgun Ivan A.

Formation of seeds of sugar beet and planting material of Miskanthus under drip irrigation


Kotsar Mariya O.

Evaluation and selection of source material for breeding miscanthus by biotechnological methods


Veresenko Oksana M.

Seed quality and yield properties of white lupine seeds, depending on the phases of ripeness and application of herbicides


Rasputenko Anatolii O.

Yield properties and sowing qualities of winter rape seeds depending on agrotechnical measures of its cultivation under conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Svyrydova Ludmila A.

Forming the crop productivity of grain sorghum hybrids depending on the rates and method of sowing in the Eastern Forest steppe of Ukraine


Onyshchenko Liudmyla Volodymyrivna

Phenotypic manifestation of polygenic hereditary features descendants of red white-banded breed pigs depending on intensity of growth of its parents during growing period.


Voloshchuk Maksym V.

Improving the technology of pork production by the way of the reconstruction of pig breeding objects.


Sviridovsky Valeriy M.

Influence of regime irrigation and protection of plants on the productivity of onion in Southern Ukraine


Dobrovolskyi Andrii V.

The effectiveness of modern growth regulating chemicals for the biologization of the technology of sunflower growing in the southern Steppe of Ukraine


Zayarna Olena Yu.

Barley seedling infection and optimization of protection measures in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Dvoretskyi Volodymyr F.

The improvement of agrotechnical elements of growing spring wheat and triticale in the conditions of the southern Steppe of Ukraine


Lytovchenko Andrii O.

Productivity of winter wheat varieties depending on the predecessor and background of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Hudym Olena Volodymyrivna

The variability of signs in the mutant generations of amaranth under the action of gamma rays


Bezpalko Valentyna Vasylivna

Ecologically safe methods of increasing the yield of winter wheat and spring barley in the conditions of the eastern part of the forest-steppe of Ukraine


Zinchenko Yevgeniya Vasylivna

Elements graded production eggplant products in Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Shcherbyna Yevgeniya Volodymyrivna

The еnergy еffective еlements of the technology to grow kohlrabi cabbage in the Left-dank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Goncharenko Oleksandr Leonidovych

Efficiency of selection methods in the basic seed production of variety winter wheat varieties under various growing conditions in the South of Ukraine


Sergeyev Leonid Arkadyevich

Seed productivity of winter wheat depending on fertilization and plant protection in Southern Ukraine


Yuzyuk Serhiy Mykolayovich

Productivity of potato on drip irrigation under different conditions of moistening and methods of fertilization in the south of Ukraine


Komar Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

Optimization of the elements of the technology of growing parsnip in the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Stoliarchuk Tetiana Anatoliivna

Adaptability of linseed and stability of its performance in conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Yusiuk Tetiana Anatoliivna

Improvement of methods of assessment of dairy efficiency of mares


Buchkovska Krystyna Dmytriivna

Substantiation of the norms of lysine and methionine in the feeding of dairy calves


Fedorchuk Svitlana

Optimization of potato protection against Phytophthora infestans and Alternaria solani in the zone of Polissya in Ukraine


Boichuk Viacheslav Mykolaiovych

The Use of Feed Additives Having Probiotic and Prebiotic Effects When Feeding Young Pigs


Vecheria Yuliia Oleksandrivna

Improvement of temperature regime of incubation of eggs of chickens cross Cobb-500


Korpita Hanna Mykhailivna

Productivity of spring barley and potato depending on the degree of indigestion in the western forest-steppe of Ukraine


Bondar Svitlana Oleksandrivna

Reclamation of typical chernozem and improvement of agricultural crops productivity in crop rotation of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Kapustina Halyna Anatoliyivna

Diagnostics of mineral nutrition for sunflower at different systems of fertilization under conditions of Southern Steppe ecoregion of Ukraine


Podolkhova Marianna Oleksandrivna

Dendrological parks of Ukrainian Polissya (complex assessment, territorial organization, landscape and compositional analysis)


Mavko Mariana Stepanivna

Seasonal dynamics of the Kyiv park landscapes colouring


Miskevych Larysa Viktorivna

Rare exotic dendrosozoflora ex situ of broadleaf forests zone of Ukraine (analysis of structure, representativeness of cultivation, phytocoenodesign).


Aleksieieva Anna Anatoliivna

Resistance of the genus Tilia L. plants in natural and technogenic ecotopes of the Steppe Dnieper


Mamchur Valentyna Vasylivna

Integrated assessment of the (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) introduction in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe and Steppe of Ukraine.


Borysenko Oleksandr Ihorovych

Prediction of fires and insect pests foci spread in the pine stands by means of GIS


Havryshko Oleh Stepanovych

Transformation of the properties of clear gray forest surface-gleyed soil during the long-term effect of fertilization and periodic liming in the western forest-steppe


Bratsenyuk Volodymyr Yuriyovych

Formation of soybean crop-producing capacity in dependence on the elements of cultivation technology in the Western Forest-steppe


Zherdetska Svitlana Vasylivna

Optimization of the elements of growing technology of the grey mustard under the conditions of Northeastern Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Osmachko Olеna Mykolayivna

Breeding for Resistance to Diseases of Bread Winter Wheat with the Involvement of Wheat-Rye Translocations


Maksymov Dmytro Oleksandrovich

The productivity and quality of haricot beans depending on soil tillage, mineral fertilizers and row width under irrigation


Drobit Olesia Serhyyvna

Formation of the corn hybrids productivity depending on the agrotechnical measures in the irrigated conditions of Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Nikolenko Igor Vladimirovich

The effectiveness of using the bioactive substance of hydrolase class as an ingredient of the premix for pigs


Zaitsev Yevhen

Selection and genetic evaluation of the formation of a high-yielding herd in an open population of dairy cattle.


Palamarchuk Dmytro Petrovych

Selection-genetic features of rice samples and creation of source material for selection of varieties with high yield and quality of grain


Kucherenko Yehor Yuriiovych

Resistance Expression Peculiarities to a Set of Biotic and Abiotic Factors in Soybean Accessions in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Haloyan Larysa Levonivna

Artificial reproduction of creamy trout (Salmo trutta m. fario L.) in Industrial aquaculture