06 Agricultural sciences


Fyl Sergiy I.

The role of selective and genetic factors in the formation of high-yielding herds of Black-and-White cattle


Nychyporuk Oleksii

The main turfgrass diseases of fungal ethiology and control of their development in Ukraine.


Panchenko Yurii

Oat fungal diseases and measures to limit their development in the Right-bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine.


Nikishov Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

Seed productivity of winter wheat varieties depending on plant protection and micronutrient fertilization in the South Ukraine


Kendzora Nataliia Zenonivna

Morphophysiological features of growth of forest crops in fresh fairly fertile forest type of Lviv Roztochia


Zhukovskyi Oleh Valeriyovich

Forest-ecological features of growing pine stands of Zhytomyr Polissya in the fresh fairly infertile sites


Kulikova Hanna V

Technological improvement in breeding of downstream migrant juveniles of Russian Sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt et Ratzeburg) and sterlet fingerlings (Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus) under the conditions of the south of Ukraine (in the context of Production and Experimental Dniprovske Sturgeon Fish Breeding Plant).


Baturevych Oksana Oleksandrivna

Rearing carp with the use of minerals with sorption properties


Rybalchenko Anna M.

Manifestation of economic characteristics in soybean collection samples and their selection application in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Voloshchuk Volodymyr Petrovych

Biologoecological Features and Cultivation Technology Elements of Helianthus tuberosus L. × Helianthus annuus L. Hybrid Under Conditions of Right Bank Polissya of Ukraine


Naidenko Valentyna Mykhailivna

Productivity of Grain Sorghum Hybrids Depending on Inter-Row Spacing and Fertilizing in the Conditions of the Left-Bank ForestSteppe of Ukraine


Bilyy Volodymyr Mykolaiovych

Seed productivity of winter wheat varieties depending on sowing and fertilization terms in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Fundyrat Kateryna Serhiivna

Seed productivity of winter triticale varieties depending on fertilization on the irrigated lands of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Saliy Olena Vasylivna

Agrobiological characteristics and technological brideeng evaluation of new hybrid forms in NSC "Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking named after V. E. Tairov"


Smikh Vasiliy Mykolayovych

Scientific substantiation of chickpea competitiveness and development of an effective weed control system in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Kononiuk Nadiya O

Improvement of elements of sugar beet growing technology as raw material for biofuel production under forest-steppe zone of Ukraine



Selection-genetic methods of creation of sugar beet source materials with improved root shape parameters and technological qualities of sugar raw materials.


Rubtsov Danilo K

Optimization of elements of varietal technology as a factor in the formation of yield and sowing qualities of soybean seeds under irrigation in the south of Ukraine


Misievych Oleksandr V

Production of high-quality conditioned seeds of annual sweet clover depending on agronomic measures in the south of Ukraine



Substantiation of technological methods for the cultivation of Panicum Virgatum (switchgrass) in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.



Improvement of the technology of growing mixed maize crops with high protein crops for silage in the southern part of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Babenko Antonina Ivanivna

The Damage from Segetal Weeds and Optimization of Weeds Control of Sunflower Crops in the Right-Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine


Sinchenko Volodymyr Viktorovych

Optimization of the Primary Soil Tillage During Soybean Cultivation After Various Preceding Crops in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Shevchuk Oleksandr Vasylovych

Silvicultural and Mensurtional Assessment of Energy Potential of Forests of Kyiv Polissia and its Sustainable Use


Chumbei Volodymyr Vasylovych

Optimization of Tillage for Buckwheat in Organic Agriculture of the Carpathian Region of Ukraine


Kharytonenko Nataliia Serhiivna

Variability of Vitamin E (Tocopherol Isomers) Content and Inheritance Patterns in Sunflower Lines and Inbred Generations


Shuliar Alina L.

Dynamics of economically useful characteristics of cows of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed under absorbing crossbreeding in the conditions of Polissia.


Mazurak Iryna V

Oat productivity filmy and naked depending on the elements of cultivation technology under conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe


Bondarchuk Ivanna L.

Optimization of winter rape cultivation technology under the conditions of the Left Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine


Kryvoruchko Liudmyla M.

Variability of agronomic-valuable traits and features of selection for productivity of winter wheat in stressful environmental conditions


Prorochenko Serhiy S

Productivity of alfalfa-grass mixtures depending on the fertilization in the Steppe of the Right-bank


Muzyka Olha V

Yield formation of sugar sorghum as an energy crop in the Right-Bank Forest Steppe.


Polunina Oleksandra V.

Method of producing of bi-axis young apple trees on rootstock 54–118 in the Right-Bank Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine


Byelov Yaroslav V.

Improvement of technology of cultivation of corn hybrids in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Tarhoniy Mykola Mykolayovych

Substantiation of energy efficient water supply management on irrigation systems


Kharlamov Oleksii Ihorovych

Improvement of engineering systems for the protection of irrigated lands from drainless in the southern region of Ukraine


Chushkina Irina Viktorivna

Integral assessment of leakage zones from the retention ponds and channels of irrigation systems


Nagirny Vitaliy

Influence of sowing periods and microfertilizers on productivity of winter barley varieties in the Southern Ukraine


Melnyk Taras V.

Technological means for hard winter wheat yield increasing in conditions of the Northern Steppe


Dubovyk Nataliia Serhiivna

Manifestation of economical traits in hybrid generations of bread winter wheat by using wheat-rye translocations in Right-Bank Forest-Steppe.


Krentsiv Yaroslava Ihorivna

Estimation and creation of the source material for the breeding of soybeans on the productivity and quality of seeds in the conditions of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine


Bychenko Volodymyr Borysovych

Log-grade Volume Distribution in Oak Stands of RightBank Dnipro Forest Steppe of Ukraine and Refining its Assessment


Barylo Yevheniia Oleksandrivna

Assessment of aquaculture-biological indices of the brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis M.) and the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.) cultivated in trout farms of the Carpathian region


Lengyel Szvetlana

New rearing aspects for early stages of perch (Perca fluviatilis) and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) in intensive conditions.


Hurbyk Viktoriia

Aquaculture-biological evaluation of the Galician carp in the conditions of commercial rearing in Prykarpatia ponds


Titova Alina Yevheniivna

Breeding value of collection samples in the breeding of chick-pea


Barylko Marharyta Hryhorivna

Features of the Signs of spring vetch in the Conditions of the Eastern Part of the Forest-Steppe Landscape


Polutin Oleksiy

Development and optimization of elements of the technology of Tomatillo cultivation (Physalis ixocarpa brot. ex Нornem) in the Right–bank Forest–steppe of Ukraine


Lukianets Oksana

Optimization of cultivation of salad endive and escarole chicory in the Right-Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine


Krynytska Olha Hryhorivna

Forest-ecological principles of natural regeneration and formation of pine-oak forests in the conditions of the Lviv Roztochya


Melnik Yevhen Yevhenovych

Ground fires in the forests of the forest-steppe part of Kharkiv Region and their effects on middle-aged pine stands


Tkach Oleh M.

Specific aspects of the development of pine stands damaged by ground fires in Volyn Polissia


Bondar Oleksandr B.

Forest coverage and forestry and taxation features of the stands in the river catchments of Left-Bank Forest-Steppe


Yevtushenko Tykhin Viacheslavovych

Restoration of the Fertility of Chernozems Typical of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine Under Soil Conservation Technologies


Konup Anastasiia Ihorivna

Diagnosis of Viral Diseases of Grapes When Creating Certified Non-Virus Planting Material of Grapes in Ukraine


Bondarenko Pavlo

Intensive sweet cherry orchard systems for the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Telepenko Yuliia Yu.

Adaptive potential and productivity of blackberries (Rubus subg. Eubatus Focke) in the conditions of the right-bank part of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Dmytrenko Yuliia Mykhailivna

Breeding and Genetic Value Sources of Resistance to Leaf Rust Pathogen of Winter Wheat


Savchuk Yurii M.

Seed Productivity of Winter Rape Varieties Depending on the Elements of Cultivation Technology in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Sharapaniuk Olha S.

Productivity of the horizontal-layer mother plantation of apple-tree clonal rootstock depending on the substrate and growth regulator treatment in the Right-Bank forest steppe zone of Ukraine


Stavitskiy Andrii A.

Table qualities of tubers of interspecific potato hybrids and their backcrosses


Nesmachna Melaniia V.

Creation and evaluation of buckwheat basic material for summer crops in the conditions of the northeastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Tomashuk Oleg V.

Productivity of corn hybrids depending on agrotechnical methods of cultivation under conditions of the right-bank Forest-Steppe


Bahay Taras Ivanovich

Forming of Forming of Fodder Beans Grain Productivity according to Elements of Technology of Growing under Condition of Forest-Steppen Western


Kovalenko Roman

Improvement of water quality management for irrigation in the Ingulets river basin by scenario ecosystem modeling methods


Dikhtiar Olena O.

Improvement of Technology of Keeping Bee Families in Sunflower Honey Harvesting in Conditions of Zhytomyr Region


Briukhachova Inna Dmytrivna

Technological Parameters of Udders, Behavior and Productivity of Cows for Voluntary Milking Systems


Pirych Alina V.

Source material of bread winter wheat in breeding for frost resistance in Right-Bank Ukrainian Forest-Steppe.


Dubenets Mykola V.

Adaptive potential of winter wheat varieties in the stressful environment of the forest–steppe of Ukraine


Lisohurska Olha V.

Improving the Technology of Honey Production in the Context of Melliferousareas in the Zhytomyr Region


Babkov Yaroslav I.

Productivity, Metabolism and Meat Quality of Hybrid Pigs When Using the Feed Additive «Betaine»


Yarosh Ahdrii V.

Genetic Diversity of Triticum aestivum L. by Grain Hardness and Creation of Starting Material for Soft Winter Wheat Breeding


Borsuk Oleksandr A.

Complex Assessment of Forest Fire Danger of Exclusion Zone


Stepanenko Liudmyla P.

Phytomass and Carbon Deposited in Forests of Kyiv Region


Tatarchuk Ruslana Ya.

The Rocky Gardens of Kyiv (Species Composition, Compositional Foundations of Formation, Prospects of Use)


Temrienko Olga O.

Formation of the productivity of soybean varieties depending on inoculation and foliar nutrition under conditions of the right-bank Forest-Steppe


Riznyk Vladhyslav

Peculiarities of weed infestation and improvement of weed control in lentil crops the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Qualifying scientific work as a manuscript.


Potapova Valenthyna

Scientific substantiation of protection of crops of beet sugar from weeds without inducing chemical stresses of plants of culture.


Rak Andriy Yuriyovich

Protective role and resistance of forests of Gorgany


Naidenko Vasil V.

Peculiarities of weed infestation of switchgrass and development of a weed control system for the Right-Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine.


Sievidov Volodymyr Petrovych

Improving the elements of the technology of growing cucumbers in film greenhouses in the conditions of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Korotka Irina O.

Improved Technology of Cultivation of Basil (OcimumBasilicum L.) in the Conditions of Protected Soil


Goryainova Viktoria V.

The main leaf diseases of spring wheat and substantiation of protection system in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.- Qualified scientific work on the rights of the manuscript.


Khotsenko Alla V.

The performance, behavior and interior of lactating cows of foreign selection for the effects of high air temperatures


Mitiohlo Larysa Vasylivna

Investigation of reproductive gene’s polymorphism on the Bos taurus L. model object.


Petrah Viktoria S.

Justification of the methods of estimation and selection of silver-black fox by reproductive parameters


Haidash Oleksandr Leonidovich

Selection of mixed germplasm for the synthesis of early-season corn hybrids


Vashchenko Andriy Volodymyrovych

Productive characterization of different age groups of carp (Cyprinus carpio) and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) during administration in fish diets the feed additives "Bio-mos" and "Nupro" .


Alkhimov Yevhen Mykolayovych

Features of the cultivation of sturgeon fish in modern conditions of farms of the south of Ukraine


Mendryshora Petro Dmytrovych

Aquaculture-biological peculiarities of the replacement-brood stock of the rainbow trout formed in the conditions of the sndustrial trout farm with combine water supply.


Solomonov Ruslan V.

Breeding value of spring wheat samples of different ecotypes under intraspecific hybridization with winter varieties


Romaniuk Viktor I.

Formation of yield and grain quality of spring barley varieties depending on the rates of nitrogen fertilizers and plant growth regulators under conditions of the right-bank Forest-Steppe


Makarova Tetiana K.

Agromeliorative effectiveness of phosphogypsum use on irrigated lands of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine


Kozlova Olga P.

Sunflower productivity when applying biologicals and growth promoters in cultivation technology in the Southern Ukraine


Oliinychenko Yelyzaveta K.

The development of genetic markers of the productive traits of pigs based on single nucleotide polymorphisms in leptin and cathepsin F genes.


Remizova Iuliia O.

Technological methods for preventing the negative effects of microclimate and stress factors on pig production and porcine quality


Syvoded Yevheniia Valeriivna

Features of the Pathogenesis of Sunflower Phomopsis and Biology-Ecological Aspects of the Pathogen Diaporthe (Phomopsis) helianthi Munt. – Cvet. et al.


Gnap Iryna Vasylivna

Introduction and improvement of cultivation technology components for growing energy willow under the conditions of the Western Polissia


Makarchuk Anton V.

Optimization of the technology of cultivating high-oleic and confectionery hybrids of sunflower in the conditions of the Left-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine


Kiriiak Yurii P.

The productivity of winter wheat varieties depending on agro technological factors in the conditions of climate change in the southern steppe of Ukraine