06 Agricultural sciences


Georgiivna Viktoriya Georgiivna

Tree improvement assessment of the genus Larix species and hybrids perspective in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Sivak Natalia O

Improvement of agricultural method of gibberellin application in technology of cultivation of table grape cultivars


Alieksieiev Yaroslav Volodymyrovych

Optimization of technological measures of growing grain sorghum in the Northern Steppe of Ukraine


Dervianko Iryna Oleksandrivna

Selection value of the source material of spring barley for drought resistance and productivity in the conditions of the eastern part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Mynets Tetiana Vasylivna

Pollen formation ability and quality of sunflower pollen and creation of self-fertilization lines with high combination ability


Mykhaylenko Mykola Mykolaevych

Forestry principles of reproduction and formation of native pine stands in the pine conditions of Western Polissya


Aksonov Ievgenii Oleksandrovich

Formation of the main features of productivity and product quality in rabbits under different technological conditions


Lisova Yuliia Andriivna

Selection and genetic features of naked and film genotypes of oat in breeding for increase productivity and genetic potential


Povydalo Mariia Vasylivna

Creation of source material of hybrid lucerne with increased seed productivity by means of wide-crossing


Ostapets Tamara Anatoliivna

Inheritance of character of leaf lamina color in fescue species and creation of source material for multiple yield components


Medvedyev Eduard

Influence of processing methods and fertilizers on fertility indicators of ordinary black soil and crop yields of a grain-steam-tilled crop rotation link in conditions of the northern Steppe of Ukraine


Ali Shahid G.S.

Varietal features of white mustard performance formation depending on sowing and mineral nutrition rates under the conditions of the northeastern Forest Steppe of Ukraine


Protsenko Ihor Anatoliiovych

Meliorative Properties of Protective Forest Plantations on Recultivated Dumps of Yurkiv Brown Coal Quarry


Nikonenko Viacheslav Mykolaiovych

Optimization of mineral fertilizer norms for winter wheat depending on the level of fertility of chernozem typical of Left-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Slyva Oleksandr Anatoliiovych

Growth Dynamics and Productivity of Pine Stands of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone


Hutsulyak Hanna

Productive qualities of lactating cows during a long period of infertility


Kotykovych Ihor V.

Development of a flood protection system for poorly drained areas.


Usatyi Serhii V

Water quality control in drip irrigation systems


Danets Lubov M

Influence of the intensity of rearing heifers on the productivity of dairy cows of domestic breeds


Havryliuk Alona T

Potato Alternaria Blight and Biological Bases for Decreasing its Development in Southern-Western Ukrainian Foreststeppe.


Kosheliaeva Yana V.

Health condition of silver birch in the Left-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Slysh Oleksandr A

Dimensional and Qualitative Structure of the Growing Stock of Coppice Oak Stands of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Papp Victor V

Experimental Study of the Creation of a New Intra-Breed Type of Carpathian Bees


Kalenyuk Yuriy St.

Silvicultural and ecological roles of small-leaved lime in hornbeam groves of Western Podillya –


Ovchatov Ihor M

Substantiation of methods of irrigation of soybeans and corn in the conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine


Borysova Valentyna L.

Health condition of common ash in the Left-bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine


Tsukanova Maruna O

The formation of productive signs of cattle of the Znamyansky intra-breed type of Poliska meat breed of different lines in conditions of limited gene pool.


Dorota Hanna Mykolaivna

Manifestation of economically valuable traits in breeding samples and their application in the creation of fiber flax varieties in the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Kuzmenko Yevhenii A.

Evaluation and creation of the source material of spring durum wheat by quantitative traits and selection indices


Kasatkina Tetiana O

Optimization of elements of the technology for growing spring barley in the conditions of the Southen Steppe of Ukraine


Chernova Anastasiia V

Productivity of varieties and hybrids of sweet sorghum depending on sowing rates, bacterial preparations and microfertilizers in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Moskva Iryna S

Improvement of the elements of agricultural machinery for the cultivation of spring rice in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Steblichenko Olena I

Productivity of summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.) depending on agrotechnical methods of cultivation in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Smirnova Irina V

Productivity of winter wheat varieties depending on the background of nutrition in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Kudrina Viktoriia S

Formation of sunflower productivity depending on the elements of growing technology in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Koloianidi Nadiia O

Influence of herbicides and seeding methods on productivity of chickpea in Southern Steppe of Ukraine


Butenko Yaryna O

Improving irrigation management via using remote sensing data


Hrunyk Nataliya Ihorivna

The influence of structural and functional characteristics of lipid transfer protein on biological resistance of Pinus sylvestris L.


Zadorogniy Andriy Ivanovych

Structure of aboveground phytomass of beech and spruce forests stands of the Polonyn ridge of the Ukrainian Carpathians


Hoptsii Valentyna O.

Morphophysiological and anatomical features of the modern gene pool of soft winter wheat and their use in selection on productivity


Kapustian Maryna V.

Breeding Value of Inbred Corn Lines Derived from Diverse Starting Material


Shovkova Oksana V.

Formation of soybean productivity depending on the sowing terms and mineral nutrition in the conditions of the left-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Bomok Svitlana

Fungal and nematode diseases of potato tubers and their control in the Right Bank Polissya of Ukraine.


Mikheeva Oksana Oleksandrivna

The yield and quality of grain soybean according to the sowing methods and sowing rates in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Hankevych Bohdan Oleksandrovych

Fish-cultural and biological features of paddlefish Polyodon spathula (Walbaum,1792) in conditions of industrial aquaculture in ponds of Polissia and Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Grishyn Bohdan Olegovych

Evaluation of crossbred carp of first generation from crossing Antonino-Zozulenets and Lubin intrabreed types of the Ukrainian framed breed.


Palamarchuk Ruslan Anatoliyovych

Productivity and physiological condition of carp with the use of amaranth in feed composition.


Koryliak Myroslava Zdyslavivna

Fish and biological carp indicators while adding milk thistle to ration compound.


Mulenok Yana Oleksandryvna

Productivity of winter apple varieties depending on the timing of contour pruning in the Right-bank Forest Steppe zone of Ukraine


Lobchenko Svitlana Fedorivna

Development of ways to improve the quality of boar sperm in order to improve the technology of reproduction of pigs.


Plotnikova Olena Mykolayivna

The tree improvement aspects of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franko) introduction in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Huk Malvina Serhiivna

Adaptive ability of young pigs of domestic and foreign selection in the conditions of industrial technology


Sydorenko Svitlana V.

Agroecological properties of oak shelterbelts in the Left-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Dyshko Valentyna Andriivna

Features of Scots pine variety testing for productivity and resistance


Kulyk Viktor Oleksandrovych

Influence of drying and processing methods on corn hybrids seed quality


Korobova Oksana Mykolaivna

Agrotechnological measures of growing spring barley in the eastern part of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine


Klubuk Victor Vasylovych

Creation of source material for soybean breeding for adaptability in the conditions of irrigation of the south of Ukraine


Yuzyuk Olesia Oleksandrivna

Seed productivity of potato varieties depending on fertilizer and growth regulators in the irrigation conditions of the south of Ukraine


Shabbir Ghulam

The performance of oilseeds of the Brassicaceae family depending on the application of fertilizers under the conditions of the northeastern Forest Steppe of Ukraine


Harbovska Tetiana M

Оptimization of elements of technology for growing vegetable beans in the conditions of the eastern Forest-steppe of Ukraine. - The manuscript


Aralova Tatiana Sergіyevna

Estimation and creation of initial material on signs of the increased seed productivity for selection of Common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) in the conditions of the right-bank Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine.


Gubarenko Nataliia

Influence of genotypes in GH and PIT-1 genes on formation of economic traits of Holstein cows


Khramkova Olha

Economic and biological features, adaptive properties of Irish origin pigs and their use with different breeding methods


Nebaba Kateryna Stanislavivna

Varietal productivity of sowing peas depending on the nutrition of mineral fertilizers and growth regulators in the conditions of the western Forest-steppe


Mordvanyuk Myroslava O

Formation of grain productivity of chickpea and its qualitative indicators depending on technological methods of cultivation in forest-steppe right-bank conditions.


Khan Yevhenii Yuriiovych

Dynamics and Forecast of Growth of Common Oak Coppice Stands in Ukrainian Forest-Steppe


Pashko Maryna Mykhailivna

Peculiarities of the combined technology of forming and exploiting sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758) brood stocks in industrial conditions.


Simon Mariya Yuriivna

Cultivation of juvenile Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt & Ratzenburg) provided the inactivated baker's yeast as an input to the diet.


Zamlila Nina Petrivna

Peculiarities in determining adaptability of winter bread wheat breeding lines under environmental conditions of the central part of Ukrainian Forest-Steppe


Voropai Yuli

Formation productivity of chickpea varieties depending on the seeding rates and sowing methods in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Chaiuk Olga

Diseases of cucumber and justification of the system of control of their development in the conditions of film greenhouses.


Kapinos Maryna

Productivity of peas varieties depending on biopreparation and plant growth regulators in the conditions of the South of Ukraine


Boiko Vasyl Petrovych

Dose efficiency and mineral fertilizers ratios in field crop rotation on podzolized chernozem of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Uvarenko Kateryna Yu

Іnfluence of the soil density and soil humidity of the arable layer of typical heavy loam soil on the productivity of spring barley


Khyzhniak Iryna Mykolayivna

Humus state and transformation of the organic matter in alluvial-meadow soils of the Left-bank Forest-Steppe and North Steppe zones of Ukraine (on the example of Kharkov region)


Novakovska Victoriya Yuriyivna

Effect of the multienzyme composition of cellulosolytic and amylolytic enzymes on the digestion of carbohydrates in (the body of) pigs.


Lebedenko Yevhen O.

Breeding of Starting Material for Creation of Sulfonylurea Herbicide-Resistant Sunflower Hybrids


Skorokhodov Mykyta Yu.

Peculiar properties of seed longevity of underutilized wheat forms at storage



The effect of growing technology elements on winter rapeseed yield and quality under the conditions of the Right - Bank Forest - Steppe of Ukraine.


Sishchuk Maryana Mykolaivna

Forestry and ecological features of the introduction of coniferous species in the north-eastern slope of the Ukrainian Carpathians


Zaiats Pavlo Stepanovych

Productivity of soybean and winter wheat depending on methods of the basic cultivation of gray forest soil uder measures of segetal vegetation control


Rozhniatovskyi Andrii Olehovych

Formation of potato productivity in the conditions depending on the elements of cultivation technology of Polissia


Kremenchuk Roman Ivanovych

Formation of agrocenosis of narrow-leaved lavender by different methods of reproduction and cultivation technology in the Forest-Steppe


Zakharchuk Petro Bronislavovych

Comparative evaluation of the productive action of "E-selenium" and "Devivit" in the fattening of Simmental bulls


Orikhivskyi Taras Volodymyrovych

Productive features of animals of different production types of Simmental breed in the conditions of Prykarpattia


Matkovska Mariia Volodymyrivna

The yield of winter barley varieties depending on growth regulators, dose rates of fertilizers and fungicides under conditions of the Western Forest-Stepp


Kaminska Olena Vasylivna

Toxinogenic Micromycetes of Fusarium Fungi, Biological Substantiation of Measures to Limit the Accumulation of their Secondary Metabolites in Winter Wheat and Corn in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Liubchenko Inna Oleksandrivna

Creation of source material of camelina sativa resistant to stress factors with the use of biotechnological methods


Sodolinskyi Ruslan Viktorovych

The Maturity of Scots Pine Stands and Forest Use Optimization of Kyiv Region Forests


Pidkhovna Svitlana Mykhailivna

Parks-Monuments of Landscape Art of Ternopil Region (Retrospective Analysis, Structure of Dendroflora, Complex Assessment)


Sliusarchuk Vitalii Vasylovych

Peculiarities of Growth and Energy Potential of Beech Stands of Bukovyna Precarpathians


Urliuk Yurii Stanislavovych

Amelioration Properties of Water-Protection Pine Plantations in the Ukrainian Snterfluve of Dnieper and Desna


Vydryk Anastasiia Viktorivna

Experimental Substantiation of the Technology for the Production of Royal Jelly for the Incomplete Orphanage of Bee Colonies


Cherevychnyi Yuri

Substantiation of the drip irrigation regime of tomato seedlings for combine harvesting in the conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine


Minza Filipp

Substantiation of methods for appointing watering dates for drip irrigation of apple trees


Krasnoshchok Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

Formation of pig productivity depending on breeding methods and growth intensity


Bezaltychna Olena Oleksandrivna

Improving the technology of milk production in cattle-breeding


Bagatchenko Volodymyr Vasylovych

Increasing the productivity of parent forms of maize hybrids by optimizing agrotechnical measures


Andriienko Liubov Mykolaivna

Productivity and Digestibility of Feed in Young Rabbits at Different Levels and Sources of Methionine in Compound Feeds


Kapshuk Natala

Herd replacement of Holstein breed cows and its efficiency in the industrial technology of milk production