06 Agricultural sciences


Gryniv Svetlana

An improvement of the basic agrotechnical approaches of growing of modern sugar beet hybrids on the left-bank of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine


Revtio Mikola Vasilyovich

The formation of highly productive perennial grass agrocenoses on southern steppe arable lands withdrawn from tillage


Kodzhebash Vladislav Fedorovich

Optimization of Jerusalem artichoke cultivating parameters in the steppe region polders


Fedorovich Galina Timofiyivna

Productivity and quality soryzu depending on level of crop rotation, seeding and power in southern Ukraine


Korkh Oksana Vasilivna

Evaluation principles and Pastel mink type selection efficiency by pelt tinge


Akimov Oleksandr Valentinovich

Breed-linear hybridization efficiency at the use of breeding lines of Kharkiv type of Ukrainian meat breed of pig


Vazhenina Olga Eyvgenivna

Peculiarities of use modern varieties of spring barley in selection on brewing quality and productivity


Shabanov Roman Yurijovych

Biological substantiation of the most important elements of growing technology of coriander seeds of Nectar variety in the Crimea


Nepochatov Mykola Ivanovych

The optimization of main elements for growing technology of modern cultivars of bread winter in conditions of the east part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Drobitko Alexey Nykolaivytch

Optimization of the Technology Elements of Soybean and Maize Cultivation in the south-eastern part of Steppe of Ukraine.


Kostogryz Leonid

Selection by morphological traits for development of starting materials of sugar beet with rounded root shape.


Stryzhak Tetyana Anatolyivna

Productivity and bacon-making qualities of the pigs belonging to indigenous and imported genotypes subject to the various breeding methods implemented under the conditions of industrial technology


Balanchuk Ivan Nicolaevich

Digestibility of fodder, metabolism and productive qualities of yang meeat ducks for different levels of energy, protein and lysine in mixed fodders


Babitska Olena Anatoliyvna

The efficiency of engineering protection systems of gravity and forced types against underflooding and ways of their improvement


Prodanyk Anatoliy Mykhajlovych

The development of genetic sources of group race-specific smut resistance of millet [Sorosporium destruens (Schlecht) Yanki]


Tymchyshyn Ivan Mykhajlovych

Productivity of crop rotations depending on fertilizing and saturation grain crops on grey forest soil of the western Forest-Steppe


Falatiuk Liudmila

Efficiency of recurrent selection for increased productivity in developing sugar beet hybrids


Yevpak Iryna Vitalivna

Physical and chemical and agrochemical properties of typical black soil of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe at minimal soil cultivation and biological agiculture


Andreyeva Valentina Vyktorivna

Forestry selection estimation of half sibs and sibs progeny of Scotch Pine in the conditions of Western Polissya


Kravchuk Rostyslav Mykolajovych

Peculiarities of black alder stands forming in terms of the Maleh Polissya.


Osipenko Oleg Pavlovich

Digestibility of forages, metabolism and productivity of layers with different levels and ratios between sulfur and selenium in their mixed fodder


Serzhuk Oleksandr Petrovych

Working out of methods to create parent material for hawthorn (Crataegus L.) breeding


Turak Oleh Yuriyovych

The influence of leguminous-cereal mixtures on the fertility and antierosional resistance of soddy podzolic eroded soil of the Western Pre-Carpathians


Khomichuk Olena Oleksandrivna

Increased egg productivity of poultry in the formation of equal weights of communities and the interaction genotype х environment


Starodubets Oleksiy Oleksandrovich

Reproductive and productive qualities of pigs of breed Durok intrapedigree type of the Ukrainian selection "Steppe" at various methods of cultivation


Peresunko Andriy Valeriyovich

The evaluation of the productivity and adaptability of egg-laying poultry crosses of foreign selection


Sovakov Aleksandr Viktorovych

The windbreaks field-protective effectiveness system in the Right-Bank of the Forest-Steppe Zone.


Kopiy Serhiy Leonidovych

Features of natural recreation of native plantation are in the hornbeam oakeries of western region of Ukraine.


Baystruk-Glodan Lesya Zinoviivna

Parent material development for the red clover breeding in the conditions of the Pre-Carpathians.


Bunyak Oleksandr Ivanovych

Inheritance features of quantitative signs of winter rye shortness donors and their use in the breeding


Sotnyk Oleksandr Ivanovich

Ekonomic and biological estimation of peach rootstocks in a nursery and orchard under the conditions of Crimea


Kovalenko Aleksey Anatolevich

Productivity and quality of products of hemps depending on the method of sowing, norms of sowing and fertilizers in the conditions of the South Steppe of Ukraine


Larchenko Oksana Veleryivna

Optimization of higt-quality sift wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)in the southern Steppe of Ukraine


Melnik Roman Grigoroviсh

Optimization of elements of the technology of two sporous field mushroom production


Radchenko Igor Mykolajovych

Peculiarities for initial material creation of winter bread wheat on productivity in the eastern part of the Steppe and Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Gutyanskyi Roman Anatolijovych

Yield and soybean seed quality by combiningchemical and agricultural weed protection practices in the eastern part of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Bragin Oleksandr Mykolajovych

The creation of original material and sunflower hybrids with high content of palmitic acid flycerides of oil


Homik Nataliya Volodymyrivna

The water resources management within the protected areas (for example Shatsk National Nature Park)


Radchenko Lyudmila Anatoliyvna

Substantiation of the efficient sowing time and rates of winter and spring-winter wheat cultivated in the Crimean steppe


Kosior Lesia Tarasivna

Adaptation of highly productive cows of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy and Holstein breeds to the conditions of nonleach farming in boxes and milking in a milking hall


Bolotov Yuriy Igorovich

Improvement of technological receptions of increase of sperm productivity of rams and reproductive qualities of ewes different directions of productivity


Vechorka Viktoria Viktorivna

Evaluation of the productive qualities of the Canadian Holstein breed depending on genotype and paratypic factors


Koryagin Oleksiy Mykhaylovych

Backcross use in lucerne breeding.


Hera Oleksandr Mykolyovych

Effect of agrotechnical measures on the draining organic soil fertility and crop rotation


Кvasnitska Larisa Semenivna

The influence of legumecrops on the productivity of short-term rotations and podzolized chernozem fertility of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe.


Pischenko Oleg Volodymyrovich

Academician's Hedroyts (1872-1932) activity in development of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine


Kravchenko Yuliya

Sowing quality and production character of sugar beet seed depending on its specific weight.


Ishcenko Kateryna Viktorivna

Technological taking of increasing of the egg productivity and stored of laying hens for account of improvement of microclimate.


Sviridenko Natalia Petrivna

Selection-husbandry peculiarities of cattle of beef breeds


Dubova Oxana

Phenotypic exhibiting of economic-valuable signs of winter wheat at different agro-ecological factors in breeding on adaptability.


Luchna Inna Stanislavivna

Breeding value of kidney bean specimens for resistance to diseases in the eastern part of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Kabatsyura Anatolii Anatolijovych

Peculiar features for original material creation with a complex of the economic traits for spring durum wheat breeding in the conditions of the eastern part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Terentiev Andrey Uriyovich

System for prognosis modeling of growth of pine plantations in Ukrainian Polissya


Mazurenko Valentyna Dmytryevna

Biological and ecological peculiarities of forms and varieties of Robinia L. genus in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Lupitko Oksana Ivanovna

Formation of soybean productivity depending on the technological methods of cultivation in the Northern part Steppe of Ukraine


Zadorozhna Iryna Stanislavivna

Development of agricultural scientific researchers in field fodder production in Ukraine (30th years end of 20th century)


Komarova Iryna Borysivna

Trait variability of a spring false flax and creation of the source material by a method of chemical mutagenesis


Popov Volodymyr Evgenovych

Using nutritives and productive qualities of growth rabbits at different levels of protein and lysine in mixed fodders


Duhin Evgeniy Oleksandrovych

Agrochemical evaluation of selenium and fertilizers action on the yield and quality of knob celery on the typical chernozem under conditions of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Maluk Tetyana Valeriyivna

Optimization of nitrogenous nutrition of intensive pear plantings on vegetative rootstocks under the irrigated conditions of Ukraine's South


Romanova Svitlana Adolfivna

Influence of long-term application of the different fertilizer systems on the humus state and agrochemistry indexes of soddy podzolic soil of Western Polissya of Ukraine


Vlasjuk Oksana Stepanovna

Leaf spot of sugar beet and measure of restriction of their development in the conditions of the western Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Lavska Natalya Viktorivna

Improvement of the technology of Cucumber growing in the Polissya of Ukraine.


Shkvyr Tetiana Mykolaievna

Agrochemical estimation of fertilizers application and bacterial preparation diazofit at spring wheat growing on meadow-chornozemic soil of the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Kondratiuk Iryna Myhaylivna

Parameters of physical and chemical property changes of grey forest soil under the influence of crop fertilization and liming aftereffect


Kotova Galyna Ivanovna

Balanced and contaminant-free feeding of dairy cattle in Donbas region


Novgorodska Nadya Volodymyryvna

Efficiency of use of selenium and manganese as a part of premixes for young pigs in the area of Vinnytske Prybuzhzhia in Ukrainian Forest-Steppe


Jatsenko Sergiy Volodimirovich

Intensification of growing of planting material and oak plantation creation in the South Left-bank Forest Steppe


Rogovoy Volodymyr Ivanovich

Beech Forests in the Crimea and Peculiarities of their Forming.


Khmelyuk Aleksandr

. Nectar productivity and morphological features of gene pool of type of Fagopyrum esculentum


Buchynskyy Igor Mihaylawich

Crop capacity and seeds quality of spring rape varieties depending upon technological methods of growing in the conditions of Western Forest Steppe zone


Lyushnyak Nikolai Vladimirovich

Agrotechnical methods of increase productivity of grass stands on erosive grounds removed from arable lands under grassing at conditions of Pre-Carpathian.


Pysmennyi Oleg Volodymyrovych

Anti-deflation stability of soils in Steppe of Ukraine


Gonchar Ljubov Mykolayivna

Morpho-physiological features and ways to control formation of winter wheat productivity on the Right Bank of Forest Steppe of Ukraine.


Yamkoviy Victor Yuriyovich

Minimization systems basic soil tillage under winter wheat in Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.


Mulyarchuk Oksana Ivanovna

Optimisation of the elements of growing technology of late-ripening white-headed cabbage under the conditions of a southwest part of the Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine


Kozhukhar Tetiana Vyacheslavivna

The Productivity of winter wheat depending on the norms of fertilizers and treatment of seed with nitrogen-fixings microorganisms in Right-bank Polesye of Ukraine.


Isaenkov Valeriy Vladimirovich

The technological measures of growing of parental forms of maize hybrids of different maturity groups in north Steppe.


Bashta Elena Valentynivna

Mycobiota of winter wheat in Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine, its antibiotic and toxic properties


Taranukho Yuliya Mukolayivna

Black currant and raspberry virus diseases in the Ukraine's Lisosteppe and obtaining the virus-free planting stock


Kovalyshyn Andrii Bohdanovych

Fungi diseases of winter wheat kernels and biological consideration of limitation measures of their development for Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine


Derevenets Katerina Anatolievna

Seeds micoflora of maize at keeping and substantiation of measures by limiting her development.


Chernjuk Sergei Vasilovuch

Enhancement of individual elements technology growing dairy calves in the milk period


Kostyuk Vitaliy Viktorovich

The exteriors and productive features of suckling cattle of different origin


Bordun Oleksandr MykoIayovich

Use of pigs of large white and large black breeds in the regional system of breeding


Doroshkevich Nelya Viktorivna

The economical and biological estimation of the new strains of fungus Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.: Fr.) Kummer


Skachok Lyuda

Sowing qualities of spring wheat seed, its crop yield and productive properties depending on the agrotechnical methods


Bezmennikova Viktoriya Myhaylivna

The substantiation of new antioxidant preparations application for apricot fruits storage


Ermolina Galyna Viktorivna

The Influence of the Freezing and Defrostation Processes on the Maintenance of the Fruit Quality of Table Grape Varieties


Nagorna Ludmila Victorivna

Peaches Leaves Curling and Apricots Moniliosis and Planting Protection System Improvement in South Steppe of Ukraine


Kohan Andrii Volodymyrovich

Agrotechnica measures of increase of the productivity of sunflower are in the conditions of south Steppe of Ukraine.


Timoshenko Оlena Petrivna

The diagnostics of potato diseases, caused by Potato virus Y, and their spreading in condition of Ukrainian Polissya


Lyotka Galyna Ivanivna

The productivity, digestible of forage and meat quality of pigs at feeding of minaza


Martyniuk Roman Volodumurovuch

Digestibility of fodder, metabolism and productive qualities of broiler-chickens for different levels of tryptophan and threonin in mixed fodders


Shadura Nadia Ivanovna

Mildew of the grape and the improvement of protection measures under the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine.


Skotar Svitlana Oleksiivna

Separation methods and techniques for the improvement of the quality of corn seeds in technologies of their in pre-sowing preparation


Avramenko Sergii Volodymyrovych

Yield increase in winter and spring grain crops depending on the growing technologies in the conditions of the eastern part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Sokyrko Petro Hryhorovych

Effect of basic and presowing soil cultivation on the soybean productivity formation in the conditions of insecure moistening of left-bank Forest-Steppe


Kharachko Taras Ivanovych

Norway Spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in forest stands of Male Polissya.


Horoshun Ivan Vitaliyovich

The selection and creation of initial material for the selection of shrub varieties of bean