07 Historical sciences


Radchenko Nataliia Mykolayivna

The sources of the history of credit and banking institutions of Dnieper Ukraine in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries: characteristics, systematization, information potential.


Petrova Inna V

Descriptive and statistical sources on the history of Ukraine in the last quarter of the XVIII – first half of the XIX century


Fialko Olena Ye

The Scythian Amazons in archaeological realities.


Muzychko O. E.

The process of institutionalization of historical research in the territory of Southern Ukraine (the second half of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th centuries)


Korzun Olena V.

Scientific and organizational principles of agricultural research work of Ukraine (1939–1945)


Annienkova Nataliia H.

Formation and development of the scientific and technical potential of machine tool building in the Ukrainian SSR (20-30 years of the twentieth century)


Klish Andriy Bohdanovych

Ukrainian Social-Christian Movement of Halychyna: Ideological Foundations, Organizational Structure and Political practice (end of XIX - beginning of XX century).


Kovalova Nataliiqa

Peasant Revolution in Dnieper Ukraine (1902–1922)


Tkachenko Viktor

Easter painting in Ukraine: a historiographical discourse of the late XIX – early XXI century


Kondratev Igor Viktorovych

The Left-bank counties (starostwo) of Kyiv Voevodeship of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Rech Pospolita: social and territorial transformations XIV – XVII centuries.


Kravchuk Leonid Vasylovych

Socio-political and socio-economic transformations in Ternopil Region (September 1939 – June 1941).


Bilobrovets Olga Matviivna

Bilobrovets O.M. Poles in Ukraine: socio-political and cultural aspects. 1914–1918.


Gopkalo Oksana Viktorivna

The costume of the Chernyakhiv–Sintana-de-Mures Culture’s population


Kashchuk Oleksandr Yaroslavovych

Monothelitism in Byzantium of the Seventh Century: Doctrine, Politics and Ideology of Power.


Kravchenko Olena Valentynivna

Child care in the Ukrainian lands as a part of the Russian Empire in the late XVIII - early XX centuries


Kotsur Vitalii Viktorovych

National minorities of Ukraine in the context of social and political transformations of the 90s years of the XXth century - the beginning of the XXIst century


Trembitskyi Anatolii Mykhailovych

Educational, pedagogical and social activity of the Sitsinskiy-Chekhovskiy-Sichinsky-Shandor families (end of the 19th century - the 2000s).


Pasitska Oksana Ihorivna

Social and Economic Activity of the Ukrainians of Galicia in the 1919–1939.


Masliychuk Volodimir

Cultural and educational initiatives in Left Bank and Sloboda Ukraine second half XVIII – early XIX century


Zaiats Andrii Ye.

Volhynia urban society of the 16th and the first half of 17th centuries.


Кротова Олександра Олександрівна

The Upper Palaeolithic Hunters of the Northern Black Sea Steppes


Pryshchepa Bohdan A.

Pohorynnia in the Middle Ages: population, systems of settlement, urbanization processes


Ruda Oksana V.

National Education Policy of the Polish governments regarding the population of Galicia in the 1920s and 1930s: implementation and receptions


Starka Volodymyr

Everyday life of western Ukrainian village under the conditions of totalitarian regimes of 1939–1953.


Kotsur Halyna Heorhiivna

The Figure of the Last Kish Ataman P. Kalnyshevsky in the Context of the History of Zaporoz’ka (New) Sich: Historiography


Pylypchuk Yaroslav V.

Social history of Qipchaqs in IX–XIII century


Lylo Ihor M.

Greeks in the territory of Rus’ke Wojewodstwo in 15th – 18th c.


Stetsyk Yurii O.

The monkhood of the Saint Protectione province of OSBM (1739–1783 years): prosopographic research.


Gudz Victor V.

Historiography of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine


Ivangorodsky Kostyantyn V.

The Ethnic history of Eastern Slavs of the pre-Mongol era in contemporary Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian historiographies


Lukyanenko Oleksandr V.

The Everyday Life of Pedagogical Collectives of the Higher Pedagogical Educational Institutions of the Soviet Ukraine in the late 1920’s – the early 1950’s: Historical and Culturological Dimension


Zaitseva Tetiana D.

Anthropology of towns and town law in the Ruthenian lands of the Crown of Poland in the 14th – first half of the 17th century.


Kahanov Yurii

Homo Sovieticus Identity Construction (1953–1991): Case of Ukraine


Kizlova Antonina A.

Social Interactions of the Inhabitants Related to Worshipped Sacred Objects of Kyiv Dormition Caves Lavra (1786 – the 1 st Decades of 20 th Cent.).


Pshenychnyy Taras Yurijovych

Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (1939 – 1991): historiography.


Hazin Volodymyr Volodymyrovych

The Ukrainian State in the Field of Geopolitical Interests of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Muscovy and Crimea in 1654-1667. ё


Slisarenko Oleksandr Mykolayovych

Ukrainian-Swedish military alliance in Northern War in 1708-1714 - qualification scientific work on rights of a manuscript.


Firsov Olexander Vladimirovich

Historical analysis of the activity of a scientist designer B. G. Loutzky, a native of Ukraine in the field of engine-building and his influence on the development of the world and Ukrainian technology.


Sydorovych Oleksandr Sergijovych

Consumer cooperation in Ukraine's social-political and socio-economic life (second half of 1940s - 1980s).


Malshyna Kateryna Volodymyrivna

Рrocess of restoration of the Slovenian state-building (1918-1941 pp.)


Filas Viktor Mykolajovych

Painting and Graphics as Source to the History of Southern Ukraine of the Last Quarter of the XVIIIth - the Middle of the XIXth Century.


Mavrin Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

Formation and the development's peculiarities of the theory and methods of archeography in the Ukrainian SSR (1940s - 1980s).


Gerasymov Tymofiy Yuryevych

Daily life of the urban population of Right-Bank Ukraine during the World War I (1914 - February 1917)


Kazakevych Ol'ga Mykhajlivna

The role of Ukrainian language in shaping the modern Ukrainain nation (the late 19th - early 20th cc.): the European context


Krasnozhon Andrii Vasil'ovich

Evolution of long-term fortification and historical topography of the cites of the North-Western Black Sea Region in the beginning of the XV - the end of XVIII cent.


Onyshchuk Yaroslav I.

The population of western Volyn and western Podilia in the half of the first millennium AD.: cultural and historical aspect


Shulha Volodymyr P.

Formation and development of breeding work in animal husbandry of the Ukrainian SSR in the 30's – first half of the 80's of the 20th century in the intellectual space of Professor M.A. Kravchenko


Verhunov Victor A.

Scientific and organizational foundations of the functioning of agricultural research work on the territory of Ukraine (second half of the 19th century – early 21st century).


Berest Ihor Romanovych

Trade union movement in Eastern Galicia in 1817–1918.


Apostol Mykhailo V.

Theoretical-methodological and institutional foundations of breeding of farm animals in Ukraine in the second half of the 60's of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century: scientific environment of Academician M. V. Zubets


Bezarov Olexander T.

The Jewish Factor in the Revolutionary Movement in the Russian Empire (1861–1917).


Levytskyi Vitalii O.

The development of the light industry of the Ukrainian provinces of the Russian Empire in the second half of the XIX-th – early XX-th centuries.


Mishchanyn Vasyl V.

Sovietization of Transcarpathia of 1944-1950 years.


Verkhovtseva Irina H.

The peasant self-government in the Russian Empire (the second half of the XIX – the beginning of the XX)


Ivanytska Svitlana G.

Publicistic heritage by Serhiy Yefremov in the context of social transformations: historical and biographical aspects (end of the XIX century – 1920)


Karikov Serhii A.

The Lutheran Confessionalization in the Policy of Saxon Rulers in 1525–1580s


Stepanchuk Yurii S.

The image of Bohdan Khmelnytsky in the newest Ukrainian, Russian and Polish historiography


Serhieieva Maryna S.

Bone-carving and woodworking crafts in the territory of Southern Rus


Orekhivskyi Volodymyr D.

Becoming and development of scientifically-organizational bases of organic agriculture in Ukraine in the second half of ХХ – at the beginning ХХІ of centuries


Bilovus Lesia I.

"Ukrainian-language periodicals of the Ukrainian Diaspora in the USA in the national identity preservation (1991–2017)"


Salata Halyna

Scientific and educational activity of Professor L.D. Proskuryakov (1858-1926.) in the context of the development of the architecture of bridges (the end of the 19th – first quarter of the 20th centuries)


Pasichnyk Natalia

University Financial and Legal Science, and Education on the territory of Ukraine in the XIX – beginning of the ХХ century.


Shulha Svitlana Anatoliivna

Czechs in Western Volyn: ethno-sociocultural transformations (60th years of the XIX– the middle of the ХХ century)


Podobied Olena

Cultural and everyday life of displaced persons and refugees from Ukraine in West Germany (the second half of the 1940s)


Movna Uliana Vasylivna

Beekeeping: Ukrainian ritual context


Nefyodov Dmytro

The Ukrainian SSR working class during postwar twenty years (1946–1965): historiography of the problem


Zhytkov Oleksandr Anatoliiovych

Agrarian issue and land reforms in Ukraine during the Struggle for Independence (1917–1921) : Historiography.


Orlyk Svitlana Vladyslavivna

Financial policy of the Russian occupation regime in Galicia and Bukovina during the First World War (1914-1917)


Tverytnykova Olena

The Scientific maintenance for the development of electrical engineering industry of Ukraine (1945–1991)


Sylka Oksana

The formation and activity of the public organizations in a Ukrainian village in the late 19th - early 20th centuries (based on the materials of the Left-Bank Ukraine)


Radovych Roman Bohdanovych

Polissya dweling: cultural and genetic origins and evolutionary processes


Ovcharenko Liudmyla

Pottery schools as determinants of Ukrainian traditional pottery creative development (1894−1941)


Lukashenko Alisa Ivanivna

Dualistic religious beliefs in the sociocultural life of Europe (IV – mid. XVII cen.)


Levchenko Inna

Natural and medical societies on the territory of Ukraine in the second half of ХІХth and early XXth centuries: scientific, educational and ideological principles of activity.


Bey Nataliia

Evolution of scientifically-organizational bases of motor industry in Ukraine in the second half of ХХ - at the beginning ХХІ of centuries


Serdiuk Igor

Child and Childhood in the Hetman State: Socio-Historical and Historical-Anthropological Dimensions


Malets Oleksandr Omelyanovych

International Left Unions in the First Third of the 20th Century: Organizational Structure, Directions of Activity


Sokyrska Vladylena

The relations between the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR (1919–1929): political and economic, administrative and territorial discourse


Chmelyk Roman Petrovych

Modern Ukrainian-Polish Borderland: state border and identity of population


Slobodyanuk Mykola

Antifascist resistance movement in Ukraine during the Second World War in Ukrainian historiography


Shcherban Olena Vasylivna

Evolutional changes in Ukrainian cooking traditions of Dnipro region where pottery dishes were used for preparing foods (the second part of the nineteenth – the early twenty first century)


Malchenko Oleh Yevhenovych

Kyiv fortress artillery arsenal in the second half of the XVII century: formation, structure, functions


Kis Oksana Romanivna

Everyday life of Ukrainian women in extraordinary historical circumstances in the mid 20th century: gender aspects of experiences and representations


Hrubinko Andriy Vasylyovych

Participation of Great Britain in the process of formation and development of the European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (1990-2016).


Kotliarov Petro Mykolajovych

Humanist and Reformer: Philip Melanchthon’s educational,religious, social and political praxis.


Rudych Tetiana Oleksandrivna

Population of the Middle Dniper of I-II millennium by anthropological materials.


Nikolaienko Olha Oleksandrivna

Polish women of Dnieper Ukraine in the second half of then in nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: public and private life


Mykolenko Dmytro Valerijovych

The political legacy of Stefan Stambolov in the Bulgarian state building (1895-1920)


Smutok Ihor Ivanovych

The Ruthenian Gentry of the Peremyshl Land in the 15th - 18th Centuries). A Historical-Genealogical Research


Buglay Natalya Mykhaylyvna

Formation of foreign policy strategy andrealization of priority directions of foreign policy of the Republic of Poland (1995-2005).


Komarnytskiy Oleksandr Borysovych

Students of Soviet Ukraine Pedagogical Educational Establishments under Conditions of Totalitarian System Formation (1920-1930 ies).


Kononenko Valeriy Vasilyovych

The Jewish population of Podillya: socio-demographic changes and national-cultural life (40-ies of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st century).


Fedkov Oleksandr Mykolayovych

The Ukrainian Social-Democratic Union in the social life of the Dnieper Ukraine at the beginning of the twentieth century.


Cheremisin Olexandr Victorovitch

Municipal self-government in the South of Ukraine in the period of 1785–1917


Shologon liliya

Sources of the Ukrainian origin on the history of the national-cultural movement in Ukrainian Galicia (1848-1914)


Savchenko Viktor Anatoliyovych

Anarchist Movement in Ukraine in 1903-1929: Organizational Forms, Communication and Mechanisms of Functioning


Ruslana Mankovska

Museum Affairs in Ukraine: Theoretical, Practical and Anthropological Dimensions of Historical Experience (1920's - the beginning of the 21st century).


Turanly Fergad Gardashkan Oglu

The Cossack period of Ukrainian history in Ottoman Turkish written sources (the second half of the 16th - the first quarter of the 18th century)


Skrypnyk Anatoliy Yuryevych

The Impact of Russian Military Presence in Right-Bank Ukraine on the Incorporation of the Region in the Late 18th Century - Middle of the 1860s.


Bevzyuk Yevgenij Volodymyrovych

The formation of the National Identity of the Czechs, Slovaks and Lusatian Serbs at the End of the 18th Century-in the First Half of the 19th Century.