13 Pedagogical sciences


Monke Olena Stanislavivna

Theoretical and methodological principles of the future educators training for moral and spiritual education of preschoolers bybelles-lettres means


Gromov Eugene Volodymyrovych

Theoretical and methodological principles of foreign language training of future teachers of non-philological specialties in higher educational institutions of Poland and the Czech Republic


Koval Myroslav Stefanovych

Theoretical and methodical basis of professional training of future employees of the SES of Ukraine in the information and educational environment


Hafiiak Alla Myroslavivna

The system of formation of professional competence of future specialists in information and communication technologies at universities


Levrints Marianna I

Theoretical and methodical foundations of prospective foreign language teacher preparation in the universities of the USA


Prima Dmytro A

Теоретико-методичні засади формування професійної позиції майбутнього вчителя початкової школи


Marchuk Oksana Oleksandrivna

Theory and Practice of Education and Upbringing of Children and Youth in Educational-Cultural Institutions of Volyn Region of the 19th – the First Half of the 20th Century


Romanchuk Olha Vasylivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of training specialists in physical education and sports for pedagogical activities with children and youth in Austria (20th – the early 21st c.).


Pavelkiv Kateryna Mykolaivna

Theoretical and methodical principles of foreign language training of future specialists in social sphere in educational environment of the university


Anishchenko Viktoriia O

Theoretical and Methodological Principles of the Professional Training of Officers of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine.


Zhytienova Natalya V

Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of pre-service science and mathematics teachers to use visualization technologies in the educational process


Tymkiv Nadiya Mykhajlivna

Theory and Practice of Petroleum Engineering Specialists Training at Technical Universities in Ukraine (Late 20th/Early 21st Century).


Tsuniak Oksana Petrivna

The professional training system of future masters of primary education to innovative activity


Savelchuk Iryna Borysivna

Theoretical and methodical bases of social workers' training for professional activity in the conditions of innovative educational environment of the university


Shumovetska Svitlana P

Theoretical and Methodological Fundamentals of the Future Border Guard Officers’ Professional Culture Formation in the Higher Military Educational Institution.


Zahorodnya Lyudmyla Petrivna

Тhеоretical and methodical grounds of training Masters for ensuring the quality of the educational process in the preschool education institution


Zhytienova Natalya Vasylivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of pre-service science and mathematics teachers to use visualization technologies in the educational process


Onishchenko Natalia P

Theoretical and methodological bases of preparation of future teachers for innovative educational activity in the process of pedagogical practice


Plisko Yevhen Yuriiovych

Theory and practice of juvenile offenders’ social education in Ukraine (the 20th – early 21st century)


Drushliak Maryna H.

Theory and practice of formation the visual and information culture of pre-service mathematics and computer science teachers in institutions of higher education.


Rybalko Petro Fedorovych

Theory and practice of professional training of future physical education teachers to organize a physical and wellness environment of a general secondary education institution.


Prusak Volodymyr F

Theoretical and Methodical Foundations of the System of Continuous Ecological Preparation of Specialists in Design


Atroshchenko Tetiana O.

The System of Formation of Interethnic Tolerance of Future Primary School Teachers in the Process of Professional Training


Zheliaskov Vasyl Yakovych

Theoretical and Methodical Principles of Future Navigators’ Training in Higher Marine Educational Establishments to Professional Communicative Interaction


Shumsky Oleksandr Leonidovych

Theoretical and methodological grounds of future foreign languages teachers’ linguistic self-education


Danylenko Oleksandr Borysovych

Continuous Professional Training System for Future Navigators in Higher Maritime Educational Institutions


Dembitska Sofiia Vitaliivna

Theory and practice of preparing future mechanical engineering specialists for occupational safety professional activity


Struk Anna Vasylivna

Theoretical and methodological principles of formation the lexical and ethnographic competence of future primary school teachers


Rusalkina Lyudmyla G

Theoretical and Methodical Principles of Professional English-language training of future doctors


Tryfonova Olena M

Methodical system of developing information digital competence of prospective computer technologies professionals in teaching physics and technical disciplines


Maslii Oleh Mykolaiovych

Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Professional Training of the Future Officers of Missile and Artillery Armament in Higher Military Educational Institutions


Ilienko Olena Lvivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of a future competitive professional for the urban economy at a technical university


Spivak Yaroslav O.

Theory and practice of the formation of professional competence of future social workers in the social protection of youth rights


Koreneva Inna

Theoretical and methodological principles of training future biology teachers for implementing the functions of education for sustainable development.


Stepanenko Viktoriia Ivanivna

Theory and practice of preventing behavioral deviance of gifted students in institutions of general secondary education


Zorochkina Tetiana Serhiivna

Theory and practice of professional training for future primary school teachers at UK universities


Boiarska-Khomenko Anna V.

Development of adult vocational education in Central and Eastern Europe


Bieliaiev Serhii B.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of future teachers' professional training to develop and use pedagogical technologies


Zozuliak-Sluchik Roksoliana Vasylivna

Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of formation of professional ethics of future social workers inuniversities


Samokhval Olesia Oleksandrivna

Tendencies of Tourism Education Development at Higher Education Institutions in German-speaking Countries of Western Europe


Puhach Serhii Serhiiovych

Theoretical and methodological principles of legal competence formation of future specialists in accounting and taxation in the system of continuous education


Hodovaniuk Tetiana Leonidivna

System of methodical training of the future mathematics teachers


Lisova Nataliia Ivanivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of state and public management of the development of general secondary education in small cities of Ukraine


Rohulska Oksana Oleksandrivna

Theory and Practice of Training Future Foreign Language Teachers under the Conditions of Information and Learning Environment in Higher Education Institutions


Lysenko Oleksandra Yuriivna

Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Postgraduate Education of Doctors in the Conditions of Medical University.


Hrechanovska Olena Volodymyrivna

Pedagogical system for forming a conflictological culture of the future specialists with technical specialities


Osadcha Kateryna P.

Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of vocational training of future teachers for tutoring


Lazarenko Natalia Ivanivna

Trends in professional training at teacher’s universities of Ukraine under conditions of European integration.


Chychuk Antonina Petrivna

Theoretical and methodical fundamentals of the training for future primary/elementary school teachers in the USA and the UK


Samodumska Olena Lvivna

Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Training Future Scientific-Pedagogical Workers for Teaching Adults in Non-Formal Education


Tsymbal-Slatvinska Svitlana Volodymyrivna

«Theory and Practice of Would-be Speech Therapists Professional Training in the Conditions of Information and Educational Environment in Higher Educational Institutions»


Osova Olha Oleksiivna

Didactic principles of teaching foreign languages to students of philological specialties with the application of technological innovations


Kuzmenko Olha

Theoretical and methodical principles of teaching physics of students of technical institutions of higher education on the basis of STEM-education technologies


Cherednichenko Natalia

Theory and practice of managing profile secondary education institutions in the counties of European Union


Kulalaieva Natalia Valeriivna

Theoretical and methodological basis for forming the safety culture of professional activity for future skilled workers of construction profile


Melnikov Andrii Viktorovych

Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Future Border Guard Officers Training to Physical Education of Personnel.


Molchaniuk Olha Vasylivna

Theoretical-methodological foundations of training values-based attitude to the nature of future biology teachers


Dzhus Oksana Volodymyrivna

Theory and practice of vocational training of young people in educational establishments of the Ukrainian diaspora (XX century).


Zahorodnya Alla Anatoliyivna

Professional training of economic experts in higher education institutions of the Republic of Poland and Ukraine


Khvalyboha Tetiana Ihorivna

Theoretical and Organizational Principles of the Future Doctors’ Professional Training at the Universities of the USA


Tomashevskyi Volodymyr Volodymyrovych

Theoretical and Methodical Principles of the Future Designers’ Aesthetic Culture Formation at Higher Educational Institutions


Kuhai Nataliia Vasylivna

Formation of methodological knowledge and skills of future teachers of mathematics in the process of studying the disciplines of the mathematical cycle


Havrylenko Tetiana L.

The Development of Primary Education in Ukraine (the second half of XX century – the beginning of XXI century)


Velychko Vladyslav Yevhenovych

Theoretical and methodical principles of the use of free software in the training of pre-services teachers of mathematics, physics and computer science


Kyslenko Dmytro Petrovych

Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of future specialists in security and safety.


Mokliak Volodymyr Mykolayovych

Development of Autonomy in the Universities of Ukraine (ХІХ – early ХХ centuries)


Stepanenko Lyudmyla Mykhajlivna

Theory and methodology of professional training of future psychologists to interact with marginalized social groups


Pliushch Valentyna Mykolaivna

Theoretical and Methodical Principles of Professional Development of Future Natural Science Teachers.


Dotsenko Nataliia Andriivna

Theory and methods of professional training of bachelors in agricultural engineering in the conditions of informational and educational environment.


Fursykova Tetiana Volodymyrivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of development of professional media culture of future masters of education.


Chumak Mykola Yevgenijovych

Pedagogical cosmopolitanism in the socio-cultural conditions of the first half of the ХVІІІ century - 40s of the ХХ century


Vovchasta Natalia Yaroslavivna

Theoretical and methodical principles of professional foreign language training of future civil protection specialists.


Komar Oleh Stanislavovych

Organizational and pedagogical conditions of continuing professional education of teachers of English in the European Union


Priymak Serhij Heorhiiovych

Methodological system of the development of functional capabilities of future Physical Education teachers in the process of sports and pedagogical improvement


Modestova Tetiana Vasylivna

Current Development Trends of the UK Higher Education (the second half of XX – the beginning of XXI c.).


Zhukova Oksana Anatoliivna

Didactic system of formation of social competences of humanitarian students at classical universities through game technologies.


Darmanska Iryna M.

Theoretic-Technological Bases of Forming Managerial Competence of the Head of General Educational Institution in the Process of Professional Training


Karpova Larysa Georgiyivna

Theoretical and Methodological Basics of Creating Educational and Developmental Environment in Specialized Institutions of General Secondary Education for Gifted Children


Попов Роман Анатолійович

Theoretical and methodological background of the students’ autonomy development in the educational process of a higher education institution


Rakhmanov Vitaliy Olegovych

Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Training of Future Engineers in the Conditions of Educational and Information Environment of a Technical University


Kabanets Maryna M.

Development of the system of pedagogical provision for gifted school students in the East Ukrainian region (end of the 20th century – beginning of the 21st century).


Soltyk Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

Theoretical and Methodical Principles of Forming Professional Reliability in Future Physical Education Teachers


Kononova Maryna Mykolayivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional development of future special education teachers in the process of professional training


Stynska Viktoriia V.

"Theory and practice of social and pedagogical support for maternity and children in Ukraine (20th – early 21st century)"


Buchkivska Galyna V.

"The system of professional training of future elementary school teachers on the basis of folk decorative and applied arts"


Momot Olena O.

Theory and Practice of Education of Future Teacher in Cnditions of Creating a Healthy Environment of High School


Ryabukha Ivan Mykhajlovych

Tendencies of maritime education development in Ukraine (second half of the 18th – beginning of the 21st century).


Androshchuk Ihor Petrovych

Theoretical and methodological principles of professional training of future handicraft and technology teachers for the organization of extracurricular artistic and technical activities of pupils.


Кохановська Олена Вікторівна

Theory and practice of the development of girls’ natural and mathematical education in educational establishments of Ukraine (the XIX – the beginning of the XX century).


Haliv Mykola D.

The development of the epistemological foundations of Ukrainian historical and pedagogical narrative (mid-nineteenth – end of twentieth century)


Zoriy Yaroslav B.

Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Reserve Officers’ Professional Training in Higher Education Institutions


Novykova Nina I.

Development of School Biological Education in Ukraine (XX – Early XXI Century)


Tur Oksana M.

Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Communicative Competence Forming in Future Specialists of Document Management and Information Documentation in the Process of Professional Training


Kaplinskyi Vasyl Vasylovych

The system of professional development of a future teacher in the process of general pedagogical training in pedagogical universities


Shaparenko Khrystyna Andriivna

Personal Self-improvement of Future Preschool Teachers.


Chahrak Nataliya Igorivna

Theory and Practice of Older Adult Education in the USA (1962-2015)


Klepar Maria Vasylivna

Professional training of specialists in international relations in the system of higher education of Ukraine in the second half of the XX century - beginning of the XXI century.


Kushniruk Svitlana Anatoliyivna

Development of the categorical and conceptual apparatus of didactics in the pedagogical science of Ukraine (1920s - 1990s of the XXth century)


Debych Mariia Andriivna

Theoretical Bases for Higher Education Internationalization: International Experiences


Slipchyshyn Lidiya Vasylivna

Methodological system of the artistic and technical designing in the future qualified workers professional training