13 Pedagogical sciences


Kovalchuk Galyna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of technologies learning economic disciplines in lifelong education


Logvynenko Tetyana Oleksandrivna

Theory and Practice of Social Worker Training at Universities in the Scandinavian countries: Denmark, Norway, Sweden.


Diachenko-Bohun Maryna Mykolaivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the realization of health-saving technologies in the professional activities of the future biology teacher.


Bazyl Ludmyla Olexsandrivna

Theoretical and methodological principles of literary competence of future the Ukrainian language and literature teachers


Kovshar Olena Viktorrivna

Theoretical and methodological principles of organization preschool education children of fiveth years old


Matveieva Olga Oleksandrivna

Theoretical and Methodological Foundation of Pedagogical Diagnostics of Quality of Education of Future Teachers of Musical Art


Grytsai Nataliya Bogdanivna

The system of methodical training of future teachers of biology in pedagogical Universities


Yahodnikova Viktoriia Viktorivna

Theory and practice of forming innovative orientation of the educational process of a comprehensive school


Kurach Mykola

Theoretical and methodological basics of teaching the art projecting to the future technology teachers


Zhernovnykova Oksana Anatolііvna

Didactic fundamentals of future mathematics teacher training for projecting high school student learning activity.


Fizeshi Oktaviia

The primary schols in Transcarpathia in the system educational transformations of the second half of the XIX - the beginning of the XXI century


Roshchin Ihor Hennadiiovych

Theory and practice of general physical training of senior secondary schools students of Ukraine (1932-2011)


Romanyshyna Oksana Yaroslavivna

The Theoretical and Methodological Backgrounds to the Formation of Future Teachers' Professional Identity by Means of Informational Technologies


Dybkova Liudmila

Theoretical and methodical basis of the evaluation system of results of educational activity of students of economic specialties


Sbitneva Liudmyla Mukholajivna

Development of music and aesthetic education of children and youth in Ukraine (the second half of the twentieth century)


Terentieva Nataliia Oleksandrivna

Tendencies of university education development in Ukraine (the second half of XX - the beginning of XXI century)


Byrka Marian Filaretovych

The system of professional development of teachers of natural disciplines in postgraduate education


Shyshkina Mariya Pavlivna

Theoretical and methodological principles of formation and development of the cloud-based educational and research environment of higher educational institution


Chernetskaya Yuliya Ivanivna

Theory and practice of social and pedagogical work on drug addicts’ resocialization under the conditions of rehabilitation centers


Linnik Olena Olegivna

System of future teacher’s training to organize the subject-subject interaction with primary school pupils


Lytvynova Svitlana Grygorivna

Theoretical and methodological bases of designing cloud-oriented learning environment educational institution


Doroshenko Tetiana Volodymyrivna

Theoretical and methodological bases of future primary school teachers training for providing learners with general music education fundamentals.


Togochynskiy Oleksiy Mykhaylovych

Theoretical and methodological guidelines for the development of social competence of students and students of higher educational establishments of Ukraine.


Salnyk Iryna Volodymyrivna

Integration of real and virtual physics learning experiment at senior school


Gerganov Leonid Dmytrovych

Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of skilled workers of the sea profile on the production


Kalenskyi Andrii Anatoliiovych

The system of development of professional-pedagogical ethics of future teachers of special subjects of higher education in agricultural and environmental sectors


Kuchai Oleksandr Volodymyrovych

Theoretical and methodical foundation of training primary school teachers to be in higher educational establishments in Poland by means of multimedia technologies


Nazarenko Halyna Anatoliivna

Theory and Practice of Educating Democracy Culture in Comprehensive School Senior Students.


Onyshkiv Zinovii Mykhailovych

The system of training of future junior school teachers to work in comprehensive educational institutions in rural area


Kushnir Valentyna Mykolaivna

Specialized Training in the History of the National School Development (second half of the 19th - 20th centuries).


Demchenko Iryna Ivanivna

Theory and methods of future teachers of primary school training to the professional activity in conditions of the inclusive education.


Lystopad Оleksii Anatoliiovych

Theoretical and methodical bases of formation of professional and creative potential of future educators of preschool educational institutions


Ordanovska Oleksandra Igoriivna

Theory and practice of training future teachers of physical and mathematical disciplines to work in profile school: technological-oriented approach


Palchuk Maruna Ivanivna

Development tendencies of vocational training systems for the production personnel of a service sector in the European Union countries.


Folvarochnyi Igor Vasuliovuch

Educational Activities of European NGOs in the field of adult education (second half of XX - beginning XXI century).


Limarenko Lidia Ivanivna

Current Pedagogical Principles of Student Theatre Activity in the System of Future Teachers' Professional Preparation.


Mukhniuk Мariia Ivanivna

Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of professional culture development for special subject teachers of construction profile


Mayer Natalia Vasylivna

Theoretical and methodological basics of forming methodological competence of future teachers of French


Mazin Vasyl Mykolaiovych

Theoretical and Methodical Basics of Educational Process Organizing in Youth Sports School


Podoprygora Nataliia Volodymyrivna

Methodical system of teaching mathematical methods of physics at pedagogical universities


Tsyna Valentyna Ivanivna

Theory and Methods of Future Teachers' Personal and Professional Development


Мinenok Antonina Oleksiivna

Theoretical and methodical bases of professional self-development of future teacher of primary school


Mulyk Kateryna Vitaliyivna

Methodical system of the usage of sports and health-improving tourism in physical education of pupils and students


Prymakova Vitaliia Volodymyrivna

Development of the Primary School Teachers' Postgraduate Education in Ukraine (1948-2012)


Matukova Ganna Illivna

Theoretic-Methodologic Principles of Enterprising Competence's Development of Future Experts of Economic Profile.


Hulai Olga Ivanivna

Theoretical and methodological backgrounds to professional training of future engineering and architecture profile specialists in terms of continuous education


Tararak Nataliia Hryhorivna

Theory and Practice of the Students' Value Orientations Formation in the History of the Higher Art School Educational Process at the Domestic Pedagogical Thought (the 20th of the XXth century - the beginning of the XXIst century)


Kovalenko Denys Volodymyrovych

Theoretical and methodological bases of continuous professional and legal training system for teachers-engineers.


Duganec Viktor Ivanovych

Theory and practice of in-service training of future specialists in agro-engineering field


Tusheva Viktoriya Volodymyrivna

Theoretical and Methodological Guidelines for the Development of Scientific Research Culture of Future Music Teachers in the Process of Professional Education


Bilavych Halyna Vasylivna

Theory and practice of education of economic culture of students and adults in Western Ukraine (the second half of 19th - the middle of 40's of 20th century)


Beziazychnyi Borys Ivanovych

Theoretical and methodological foundations of formation of ethical competence of future teacher of physical education in the process of professional training


Chaikovsky Myhailo Evgenovich

Theory and practice of socio-pedagogic work with youth with special needs in conditions of inclusive educational space


Kravchenko Наnna Yuryevna

Theoretical and methodological principles of adaptive management of the development of department system of Institutes of Postgraduate Education.


Gipters Zinaida Vasulivna

Development of economic education for children and adults in Western Ukraine (XIX - the first half of XX centuries).


Oliiar Mariia Petrivna

Theoretical and methodological bases of formation of communicative-strategic competence of elementary school teachers-to-be


Rudenko Larisa Anatolievna

Theoretical and methodical bases of forming future service sector specialists' communicative culture at vocational schools


Sharata Natalia Grygorivna

Theory and methods of management of innovation and teaching activity in higher education institutions.


Annenkova Iryna Petrivna

Theory and Methods of Quality Monitoring of Higher School Scientific and Pedagogical Staff Professional Activities


Osupova Tetiana Yuriivna

Theoretical and Methodological Bases Aimed at Future Teachers' Training for Pedagogical Tutor Activities


Luparenko Svitlana Yevgenivna

The Problem of Childhood in Ukrainian Pedagogical Thought in the 20th Century.


Leshchenko Gennadii Anatoliiovych

Theoretical and methodical principles to form the professional reliability of specialists of air emergency service and safety


Ponomaryova Galina Fedorivna

The System of Educational Work of Students in Higher Pedagogical Educational Establishments


Osiptsov Andriy Valeriyovych

Upbringing of human values in students of classical universities


Yaschuk Sergiy Mykolaiovych

Theoretical and methodological principles of Masters in technological education training in higher pedagogical establishments


Ovcharenko Natalia Anatolievna

Theoretical and methodological basis of training future teachers of music to vocal and educational activities


Batechko Nina Grigorivna

Theoretic and methodical approaches of higher school teachers' training in conditions of master program


Avshenyuk Natalia Mukolaivna

Tendencies in the transnational higher education development in the developed English-speaking countries (the second half of the XX - the beginning of the XXI century).


Pershukova Oksana Alekseevna

The tendencies of schoolchildren plurilingual education development in Western European countries (the second half of the 20th? beginning of the 21st century).


Shanskova Tatyana Igorevna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of the specialists of humanitarian profile in the conditions of second higher education


Horbenko Serhii Semenovych

The Development of Ideas of Humanistic Education of Primary and Adolescence Pupils by means of Music in the Creative Heritage of Domestic Educators (XX early XXI century).


Romanova Inna Anatolievna

Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Prospective Teachers' Voice Culture Forming within the Process of Professional Training.


Peretiaga Liudmyla Yevgenivna

Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Prospective Teachers' Voice Culture Forming within the Process of Professional Training.


Tymchuk Liudmyla Ivanivna

Formation and development of andragogy as a theory and practice of adult education in Ukraine (the end of XIX - XX centuries)


Oliinyk Mariia Ivanivna

Theoretic and methodical basis basis of future preschool teachers' training in Eastern European countries


Solodka Anzhelika Kostyantinivna

Theoretical and Methodic Principles of Cross-cultural Interaction of Pedagogical Process Participants in Higher Education


Mikheienko Oleksandr Ivanovych

Theoretical and methodical bases for training future human health specialists to use health-strengthening technologies


Soroka Olga Viktorivna

Theoretical and methodological bases of the future primary school teachers' training for applying art-therapeutical technologies


Galamanzhuk Lesia Ludvigivna

Theoretical and methodical foundations for preventive motor activity of preschool children during physical training


Atamanchuk Yurii Mykolaiovych

Theoretical and methodic basis of masters in the higher institution management training to the administrative activity informatisation


Krasil'nikova Ganna Volodumurivna

Theoretical and methodological fundamentals for monitoring the quality of professional training of engineers in clothing industry at higher educational institution.


Vasilyev Ivan Borusovuch

Theoretical and methodical bases of preparation of teachers of vocational training.


Rezvan Oksana Oleksiivna

Theoretical and Methodological Bases of Professional and Reflexive Position Forming in Future Specialists of Motor Transport Industry.


Dubinina Oksana Nikolaevna

Theoretical and methodological principles of formation of mathematical culture of future specialists in software engineering during professional training.


Nechaj Svitlana Petrivna

Theory and practice of training future educators for multifunctional using music for preschoolers auditory development


Kaіdanovska Olena Olexandrivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of architects' fine art training in higher education institutions


Olefirenko Nadiia Vasulivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations for training primary school teachers to design e-learning resources.


Fedirchyk Tatiana Dmutrivna

Theoretical and methodological basis of teaching professionalism of the young teacher of high school in the scientific and educational activities.


Babich Vjacheslav Ivanovych

Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of future teachers the formation social health of secondary school students


Maksymovska Nataliya Oleksandrivna

Theoretical and methodological principles of social-pedagogical activity with student youth in leisure sphere


Pryima Strgiy Mukolayvich

Theoretical and methodological grounds of design and functioning of open adult education systems in Ukraine.


Tsidylo Ivan Mykolaiovych

Theory and methods of training future engineers-teachers to the use of intelligent technologies in professional activities


Kuchai Tetiana Petrivna

The System of Primary School Teachers' Training at Universities in Japan to Pupils' Moral-and-Ethical Upbringing.


Martseva Liudmyla Andriyvna

Theoretical and methodological principles of junior vocational (professional) training in radio engineering


Stavytskyi Oleg Mykolaiovych

Theoretical and Methodical Principles of Professional Education of Future Officers-Borderguards.


Rybinska Yuliia Anatoliivna

Theoretical and Methodical Foundations of the Professional Communicative Preparation of Future Philologists by Means of Creative Translation


Kozak Lyudmila Vasilievna

Theoretical-methodological bases of preparation of future teachers of pre-school pedagogy and psychology to innovative professional practice. - The manuscript


Popovych Natalia Mykhaylivna

Theory and methods of formation of professional and personal experience of a music teacher in the system of continuous pedagogical education


Nitenko Olha Valeriivna

Foreign Language Training of the Future Lawyers in frame of the Three-Cycle Higher Education System: European Experience


Romaniuk Svitlana Zakharivna

Development of Native Language Education of Ukrainians under the Conditions of Western Diaspora (XX Century - Beginning of the XXI Century)