13 Pedagogical sciences


Liubarets Vladyslava Viktorivna

Theory and practice of professional training of future managers of socio-cultural activities in the conditions of informatively-educational environment.


Bordiug Nataliya Sergiyivna

Theoretical And Methodological Fundamentals Of Environmental Specialists Training In Environmental Monitoring Within The System Of Postgraduate Education


Vorovka Marharyta Ivanivna

Theory and practice of gender culture development among university students in Ukraine (from 1960s to the beginning of XXI century).


Subota Larysa Andriivna

The System of Forming the Communicative Competence of International Pharmaceutical Students in the Process of Teaching Ukrainian and Russian


Tytova Nataliya Mykhajlivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations for psychological and pedagogical training of future vocational teachers


Tolochko Svitlana Viktorivna

Theoretical and methodical principles of building teachers' scientific and methodical competence in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education


Udovychenko Iryna Vitaliyivna

Methodical basis of the education geography of students of the 10th-11th grades at the profile level


Hrudynin Borys Oleksandrovych

Theoretical and methodical grounds of developing lyceum students research competence in the process of teaching Physics


Kondur Oksana Sozontivna

System of training of future specialists on the quality of education in higher education institutions


Okolnycha Tetiana Volodymyrivna

The Eastern Slavic pedagogy in the studies of ethnographers (the 19th - first quarter of the 20th century).


Oliinyk Volodymir Viktorovich

Theoretical and methodological bases of public management of postgraduate education in the context of European integration


Ruskulis Lilia Volodymyrivna

Methodical system of forming linguistic competence of future teachers of the Ukrainian language in the process of linguistic disciplines studying


Boryak Oksana Volodymyrivna

Theory and practice of forming speech activity of mentally retarded children of junior school age


Tkachuk Halyna Volodymyrivna

Theoretical and methodical principles of practical training of future teachers of computer science in conditions of blended learning


Ostrovska Galyna Oleksandrivna

Forming of future Foreign Literature Teachers' Professional Readiness for the Study of Writers' Biographies at Comprehensive School


Danylevych Myroslava Vasylivna

Theoretical and Methodical Principles of Prospective Specialists' Training in Physical Education and Sports for Recreation and Health-Related Activities


Blazhko Oleg Anatolijovych

Theoretical and methodological framework of training teachers-to-be for subject oriented instruction of chemistry to pupils at general educational institutions


Mykytyuk Volodymyr Ilkovych

Pedagogical Concept Sphere of Ivan Franko: History and Modernity


Blyzniuk Mykola Mykolajovych

Methodical Approaches in Educational System of Future Artists in Decorative and Applied Art Based on Ethnographic Designing and Information Technologies


Chumak Larusa Volodumurivna

Theoretical and methodical principles of foreign literature teachers' professional excellence development in the system of postgraduate education.


Vasylenko Maryna Mykolayivna

Theoretical and methodical foundations of professional preparation of future fitness coaches in higher education institutions


Mospan Natalia V.

Trends in Higher Education Interaction with Labour Market in the European Union


Bondar Tamara Ivanivna

Trends in the Development of Inclusive Education in the USA and Canada


Nestulya Svitlana Ivanivna

Didactic principles of leadership competence formation for future management bachelors in educational environment of the university


Skalski Dariusz

Physical Education Concepts in the European Union Countries


Lebedyk Lesia V.

Theoretical foundations of higher education lecturers training for didactic systems designing in the conditions of Master’s Degree programme


Povidaychyk Oksana S.

"The Theory and Practice of Preparation of Future Social Workers for Scientific Research Activity"


Slozanska Hanna I.

"Theory and practice of future social workers training for the work in territorial communities"


Hrytsenko Valerii G.

Theoretical and methodical bases of designing and implementation of information-analytical system of university management


Ikonnikova Maryna V.

Theory and Practice of Philologists’ Professional Training at US Universities


Borovyk Liudmyla V.

Theoretical and Methodical Basis of Formation of Psychological and Pedagogical Competence of Future Border Guard Officers


Gruba Tamila L.

The methodology for forming linguistic personality of senior pupils at Ukrainian lessons (specialization level).


Pavlyk Nadiia P.

The theory and practice of organizing non-formal education of future social teachers in Ukraine.


Sytniakivska Svitlana Mychailivna

The Theory and Methodology of Training Specialists in Social Sphere on a Bilingual Basis at Universities


Martynchuk Olena V.

Theory and practice of training specialists in special education for professional activities in the inclusive educational space


Bondarenko Valentyn V.

Theoretical and methodical basis for the professional training of future patrol police officers


Korzh-Usenko Larysa V.

Conceptual and organizational-pedagogical foundations of educational process development in higher school of Ukraine (1905-1920)


Shukatka Oksana V.

Theory and Practice of Formation Individual Health Saving Strategies of the Future Bachelors of Natural Specialties on the Bases of Interdisciplinary Integration


Dotsenko Svitlana O.

Didactic system of the development of elementary school students’ creativity in the course of studying mathematics and science subjects.


Dotsenko Svitlana O.

Didactic system of the development of elementary school students’ creativity in the course of studying mathematics and science subjects.


Dolynskyi Yevhen Volodymyrovych

Theoretical and Methodological Basis of future translator’s training in the informational and educational university environment.


Kulyk Olena Dmytrivna

Speech development of the 5-9th graders at general secondary education establishments in the process of the Ukrainian word forming system acquisition.


Pisotska Maryna E.

Theory and Practice of Individualization of Teaching Students of Natural and Mathematical Specialties at Higher Pedagogical Educational Institutions of Ukraine (the second half of XX – the beginning of XXI century)


Krasnopolskyi Volodymyr Eduardovych

Foreign language training of students of non-philological specialities based on of creation and use of Web technologies.


Paikush Marianna A.

The theoretical and methodical principles of integration in natural sciences and professional-practical training or future doctors


Kravchuk Oksana Volodymyrivna

The development of the innovation movement in the history Ukraine’s education in XX century


Makhynia Nataliia Volodymyrivna

Trends in Adult Education Development in the European Union Countries


Mazhets Bozhena K.

The modernization of preschool education in Poland (1989–2017)


Achkan Vitalii Valentynovych

Forming readiness of future teachers of mathematics for innovative pedagogical activities in the process of studying the disciplines of the methodical training


Vakaliuk Tetiana A.

Theoretical and methodical principles of the cloud-based learning environment design and use in the training of bachelors in computer science


Kostina Valentyna V.

Theoretical and methodical principles of professional training of future social pedagogues and social workers to prevent maladjustment of pupils.


Lysenko Oleksandra M.

Theoretical and methodological principles of formation of professional and axiological orientations of future pre-school educational establishment pedagogues in the system of professional training


Koshuk Oleksandr B.

Theoretical and methodical principles of forming professional competence of future specialists in agroengineering


Fomin Volodymyr V.

Theory and Practice of Organizing Activity of Institutions of Social Guardianship of Children and Youth in Ukraine (late 18 – early 20 century)


Bazylchuk Oleg V.

Theoretical and Methodological Basis of Professional Training of Future Specialists in Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy to Work with Athletes’ Health Recreation


Opaliuk Tetiana L.

Didactic principles of formation of social reflection of future teachers in the process of humanitarian disciplines studying


Ridkodubska Hanna A.

Theory and Practice of Preparation to Professional Activity of the Future Employees of Social Sphere


Rebukha Liliia Z.

Theoretical and Methodical Foundations of Fundamentalization of Professional Training of the Future Social Workers


Domina Viktoriia V.

Education of bilingual culture of the future foreign language teachers: theory and practice.


Chahovets Alla I.

Harmonious upbringing of 4-6-year-old children in cultural-educational space of PEI (preschool educational institution).


Brezhneva Olena H.

Theory and Practice of Mathematical Development of 3-6 Years Old Children in Preschool Education System


Lisovets Oleh V.

Theory and practice of forming social and legal competence of future social workers under the conditions of university education


Boichenko Maryna A.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of education of gifted schoolchildren in the USA, Canada and Great Britain


Piekhota Beata A.

Theory and practice of social-pedagogical work with children from marginalized families in Poland


Topolnyk Yana V.

System of information-communication support of scientific researches of future masters and doctors of philosophy in the field of education


Zhurbа Kаterynа Oleksandrivna

Theoretic-methodic principles of educating life sense values in main and high school students.


Biliavets Serhii Ya.

Methodical system of formation of professional competence to future border guard officers in the process of training in special military disciplines.


Upatova Iryna P.

Theory and Practice of Methodical Training of Future Primary School Teachers


Bashkir Olha I.

Scientific and Pedagogical Activity of Pedagogy Departments in Higher Education Pedagogical Establishments in Ukraine (beginning of XX – beginning of XXI century)


Mirovska Mariola S.

Theory and practice of management of the educational process on the basis of case-management in higher educational institutions


Lutsenko Halyna V.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of future engineers by using project-based learning


Danchenko Iryna O.

Theoretical and methodical principles of formation of social maturity of students of higher agricultural educational institutions.


Andreev Andriy М.

Theoretical and methodical basis of training of the future teacher of physics for the organization of innovative activity of students in the learning process


Liashkevych Antonina I.

"Theory and practice of maritime education in the south of Ukraine (30s of the 19th - the beginning of the 21st century)"


Batsurovska Ilona Victorivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of Masters’ educational and scientific training in terms of massive open distance learning courses


Andriievska Vira M.

Theoretical and Methodological Bases of Training primary school teachers to use the ICT in professional activities.


Tkachov Artem S.

The System of Development of Key Competences in Intellectually Gifted Secondary School Pupils in the Process of Teaching Social Subjects


Povstyn Oksana Viktorivna

Theoretical and methodical basis of professional training to management activity of future specialists in the human safety field


Rozlutska Galyna Mykolaivna

The cultural-educational and scientific-pedagogical activity of the Greek Catholic Church in Transcarpathia in children and youth national identity formation (1646–1947)


Kalaur Svitlana M.

The system of professional training of future specialists of the social sphere for the resolution of conflicts in professional activities


Bryndikov Yurii Leonidovych

Theory and practice concerning the rehabilitation of the military service war participants within the social service system


Sidorov Vadym Ihorevych

The system of cross-cultural training of future professionals in the tourism industry


Branitska Tetiana Romualdivna

Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Formation of the Conflictological Culture of Future Specialists in Socionomy Professions at Higher Educational Institutions


Binytska Kateryna Mykhailivna

Tendencies of Development of Professional Training of the Future Teachers of Primary Education in the Countries of the Eastern Europe


Shevchenko Liudmyla Stanislavivna

Theoretical and methodological principles of training future handicraft teachers for innovative pedagogical activity


Lesina Tetyana Mykolayivna

Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Professional Training of Future Educators for the Development of Social Abilities and Skills of Preschool Children


Galushhak Iry`na Yevgenivna

Theory and technological formation of legal competence of future economists in the conditions of continuous university education


Dudikova Larisa Vladimirovna

Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for Future Doctors’ Professional and Ethical Competence Formation at Higher Medical Educational Institutions.


Barbashova Iryna Anatoliivna

The Didactic System of Junior Schoolchildren’s Sensory Development


Bratko Mariia Vasylivna

The theoretical and methodical foundations of management of professional specialists training in the educational environment of the university college


Litvinova Maryna Borysivna

Methodical system of adaptive teaching of physics in Institutions of Higher and Technical Education


Kyrian Tetiana Ivanivna

Theory and practice of the development of higher medical education in Ukraine (XX – beginning XXI century)


Haleta Yaroslav Volodymyrovych

Development of the social maturity of the future teacher in the context of updating the information culture of society


Lebid Olga Valeriivna

Theoretical and Methodological Fundamentals of the Development of Future Leader of General Educational Institution Readiness for Strategic Management in Master’s Degree Course


Androschuk Iryna Mykolayivna

System of teacher professional development of management departments of universities in the Republic of Poland


Popovych Angelika Stanislavivna

Methodical system of teaching Stylistics for future Ukrainian language and literature teachers


Pidhorna Tetiana Volodymyrivna

Theoretical and methodological principles of training new teachers on natural-mathematical disciplines for professional activity in the conditions of an informative educational process


Bardus Iryna Оleksandrivna

Theoretical and methodical foundations of the context fundamentalization of professional training of future specialists in the field of information technologies


Malyshevska Iryna Anatoliivna

Theoretical and Methodological Bases for Training Specialists in the Field of Psychology and Pedagogy for Work in an Inclusive Educational Environment


Khatuntseva Svitlana Mykolaivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of formation of future teachers’ readiness for self-improvement in the process of individualization of professional training