13 Pedagogical sciences


Martyniuk Tetiana A,

Theory and practice of social integration of youth with disabilities by means of socio-cultural animation


Viktorenko Irina Leonidivna

Theoretical and Methodical Foundations of Integration Competence Formation of a Primary School Teacher of the New Ukrainian School


Ovcharuk Oksana V.

Theory and practice of school education for democratic citizenship in the Council of Europe members’ countries


Popadych Olena Oleksandrivna

Theory and Practice of Training Future Teachers for the Formation of Legal Competence of Primary School Students



Theoretical and Methodical Principles of Future Teachers Training to Children Health Culture Formation in Educational Complex "School-kindergarten"


Атаманюк Світлана Іванівна

Theory and practice of training future specialists in physical culture and sports to use innovative types of motor activity in professional activities


Yakymenko Svitlana Ivanivna

Theory and practice of formation of foundations of five to eight year old children’s world perception


Haluziak Vasyl Mykhailovych

Theoretical and methodical principles of developing personal and professional maturity in a future teacher


Ivaniy Ihor V.

Acme-culturological principles of professional-pedagogical training of future specialists of physical education and sports


Beskorsa Olena Sergiivna

Theory and Practice of Developing Future Primary School English Teachers’ Digital Culture


Rozman Iryna Illivna

Development of pedagogical biographical studies in Ukraine in the second half of the XX – beginning of the XXI century.


Mova Liudmyla Viktorivna

Theoretical and methodological principles of forming the creative potential of choreographers in the system of continuing education


Veritov Oleksandr I.

Theoretical and methodical foundations for formation of business culture of future bachelors in physical culture and sports


Denysenko Nataliia Hryhorivna

Theoretical and methodical bases of professional mobility formation of future PE teachers


Kovalchuk Maiia B.

Professional orientation of teaching mathematics as an integration basis of professional training of engineering specialities


Koknova Tetiana A.

Theory and practice of the formation of linguistic-and-methodological competence of prospective foreign languages teachers within their professional training


Kalchenko Larysa V.

Theory and Practice of Prevention of Social Orphanhood in the Territorial Community of City.


Petrenko Lesia Mykolaiivna

Spiritual and moral upbringing and education of youth in Gryhoriy Vashchenko’s legacy


Yeromenko Olha A.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the adaptive system of professional training of masters in education institution management


Sahach Oksana

Theoretical and methodical bases of professional teachers' growth in the system of continuous pedagogical education


Zhara Hanna I.

Theoretical and methodological basics of teacher’s individual health preservation competence formation in the system of continuous pedagogical education


Kompanii Olena Viktorivna

Realization of the principle of continuity in forming text formation skills of primary school pupils at the final stage of elementary linguistic education


Balakireva Viktoriia Anatoliivna

Theory and practice of training future teachers for organization of students’ labor education in the educational process of primary school


Averina Kateryna S.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the social activity development in future socionomy specialists


Leshchii Nataliia Petrivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical and health work with children with complex developmental disorders in educational and rehabilitation centers


Lytovchenko Svitlana Vitaliivna

Theoretical and methodological principles of correctional and developmental support of children of early and preschool age with hearing impairments


Kopochynska Yuliia V.

Theoretical and methodical bases of the formation of professional identity of future specialists in physical therapy, occupational therapy in institution of higher edbcation


Siaska Inna Oleksiivna

Theoretical and methodical principles of forming of ecological competency of future teachers of natural sciences in the process of professional training


Iyevlyev Oleksandr Mykolaiovych

Theoretical and Methodical Principles of Developing Professional-Pedagogical Mobility in Future University Teacher under the Master’s Degree Course


Turchyk Iryna Khosenivna

School Sports in the Theory and Practice of Forming the Values of Student Youth in the United States (the XXth ‒ beginning of the XXIst century)


Prokopenko Iryna Andriivna

The system of preparation of future teachers for facilitation interaction with students of general secondary educational institutions.


Kabatska Olena Volodymyrivna

The System of Formation of Health-preserving Educational Environment in Classical Universities


Babakina Oksana Oleksiivna

Advancing the system of academic staff professional development in Ukraine from the mid 1970s to the beginning of the 21st century


Kozubtsov Ihor M.

"Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of development of methodological culture of adjuncts"


Butsyk Ihor Mykhailovych

Methodical system of research competence development of future specialists in agroengineering in the process of studying agricultural disciplines


Protas Oksana Lubomurivna

Theoretical and methodical bases of preparation of future social workers for work with gifted children.


Hrechanyk Nataliia Ihorivna

System for the formation of culturological competence of future primary school teachers in professional training


Hrytsenko Andrii Petrovych

Theoretical and methodical grounds of forming professional competence of intending History teachers in the process of professional training


Pinchuk Iryna Oleksandrivna

The system of building future primary school teachers’ foreign language communicative competence in the training process


Filippova Larysa Valeriivna

Theoretical and methodological principles of professionally oriented teaching of chemical disciplines to future masters of pharmacy


Mykhailenko Liubov Fedorivna

Formation of method competence of a teacher of mathematics in the partnership between a pedagogical university and a school


Botuzova Yuliya Vladimirovna

Theoretical and methodological principles of providing the continuity of teaching mathematical disciplines in the system «school – pedagogical university»


Romanyshyn Ruslana Yaroslavivna

Methodical System of Forming Computing Skills in Primary School Students


Skoryk Tamara

Theory and practice of future teachers’ professional success at institutions of higher education of Ukraine (the second half of the XX – beginning of the XXI century)


Domin Oleksandr A

Theoretical and methodical bases of vocational training of bachelors in agricultural engineering.


Golovchenko Hlib O.

Tendencies of Media Education Development in the USA and Canada


Blagova Tetiana O.

Development of choreographic education in Ukraine (XX – beginning of XXI century).


Dernova Mayia G.

Andragogical model of professional training in higher education institutions of the European Union.


Lytovchenko Olena V.

Theoretical and Methodical Bases of Social Formation of Pupils of 8-11 Classes in Complex Out-of-School Educational Institutions


Martyniuk Anatolii Kirillovych

Theory and practice of conducting and choral school in Ukraine in the 20th - early 21st centuries


Dutchak Yuriy Vasylovich

The system of quality assurance for professional training of future secondary education masters in physical culture


Denysova Lolita Viktorivna

The theoretical and methodological principles of professional training of prospective masters in physical culture and sport using information and communication technologies


Lutaieva Tetiana V

Pedagogical, public and enlightenment activity of Slobozhanshchyna scientists – founders of Medical and Pharmaceutical education in Ukraine (19th – early 20 th centuries).


Kapinus Alexander S

Theoretical and methodical bases of formation of professional subjectivity of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Romaniuk Ruslana Kostiantynivna

Theoretical and methodical foundations of Biology teachers’ professional training for subject oriented instruction to students


Shcherba Nataliia Serghiivna

The theoretical and methodological bases of preparing would-be foreign language teachers for the provision of practice-oriented instruction of senior stage learners with special needs


Strutynska Oksana

Theoretical and methodological principles of training pre-service teachers of computer science for teaching educational robotics in secondary education


Malaniuk Nataliia M

Theoretical and methodical bases of lifelong learning of future railway transport specialists in the system «college-university»


Onopriienko Oksana V.

Didactic and methodical foundations of control and assessment of educational achievements of primary schoolchildren


Prykhodkina Nataliia O.

Development trends of media education of students in the general education institutions of the developed English-speaking countries


Kyzenko Vasyl I.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of designing the content of variable education in institutions of general secondary education


Mkrtichian Oksana A.

The system of preschool institution teachers’ training for the development of 4-7 year-old children’s musical ability.


Shevchenko Volodymyr M

Development of special education system in Ukraine and Poland (19th - beginning of 21st century)


Maikovska Viktoriya

Theory and practice of future service specialists’ entrepreneurial competence formation in higher education institutions


Kozibroda Larysa V

Theoretical and Methodological Fundamentals of Socialization in School Environment of Students with Special Educational Needs (the late XX – early XXI Century)


Lialiuk Galyna M

Theory and practice of orphans’ upbringing in the context of personal paradigm in Ukraine (the 20th – the beginning of the 21st centuries)


Gordiychuk Svitlana Viktorivna

Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Quality Management of Educational Activity at Medical Colleges


Mikhno Oleksandr P

The Phenomenon of Pedagogical Profile of a Student in Domestic Education and Education Science (mid-nineteenth – second half of the twentieth century).


Synyshyna Viktoriia Mykhailivna

The System of Professional Training of the Future Practical Psychologists at the Institutions of Higher Education


Tsiupryk Andrii Yaroslavovych

The Development of Pedagogical Theory of Independent Activity of Students of Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine (the End of the XXth – the Beginning of the XXIst Century)


Lazorenko Serhii A

Theory and practice of forming the information-digital culture of future specialists in physical culture and sports in the context of blended learning


Khmil Nataliia A

Theory and practice of formation of professional readiness of future teachers for the use of cloud technologies in the educational process


Boyko Oleh Volodymyrovych

Theoretical and methodical bases of formation of leadership competence of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the process of professional training.


Bekirova Adilie Rustemivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of professional subjectivity in future primary school teachers in higher pedagogical educational institutions.


Korotkova Lina Igorivna

Theoretical and methodical bases of professional training of future specialists in the field o f services in the conditions of educational and production cluster of the region


Ivanova Viktoriya V

Theoretical and methodical framework of preschool education professionals` training at universities of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Grygorenko Tetiana Volodуmyrivna

Theoretical and Methodical Principles of Training Future Language Teachers in the Educational-Communicative Environment in Higher Education Institutions


Zhuravlova Larysa S.

Complex diagnostics and correction of speech development of primary school children with dysgraphy


Kozmenko Olena Ivanivna

Training of a successful person in institutions of higher education in the United States of America (the second half of the XXth – beginning XXIst century).


Shevchuk Larysa D.

Theoretical and methodical bases of continuous professional training of future teachers of mathematics by means of ICT


Haharin Mykola Ivanovych

Theory and Methods of Educative System Projecting of the General Educational Instituti


Shvets Hanna Dmutryvna

Theoretical and methodological principles of teaching the Ukrainian language to foreign students of humanities


Vitiuk Valentyna Volodymrivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of spelling competence of future primary school teachers


Stoychyk Tatiana Ivanivna

Quality management system for training of competitive specialists in vocational educational institutions


Bondarenko Tetiana Serhiivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of monitoring of future engineers-teachers’ professional competence


Zelenin Hennadii Ivanovych

Theoretical and methodological bases for foreign language vocational training of future teachers of technical disciplines


Kyrdan Oleksandr Petrovich

The theory and practice of professional training of future economists in the system of continuing education


Bilyk Valentyna

Theoretical and methodological principles of future psychologists’ science preparation in higher education institutions


Postryhach Nadiia Olehivna

Development of Teacher Education in Greece, Italy and Spain (Late 20th – Early 21st Centuries)


Kupenko Olena Volodymyrivna

The System for Forming Project Competence of Future Social Work Specialists in the Process of Professional Training


Taimasov Yurii Safirovych

Theoretical and methodical bases of preparation to self-preservation in the professional activity of Civil Defense Services future specialists.


Grytcak Nataliya Ruslanivna

Theory and Methodology of Teaching Genre Analysis of Multinational Works of Fiction to Future Foreign Literature Teacher


Zasiekina Tetiana Mykolaiivna

Didactic Bases of Implementation of the Integrative Approach in School Natural Science Education


Іatsyshyn Anna Volodymyrivna

Theoretical and methodical bases of digital open systems use in preparation of postgraduate and doctoral students in educational sciences


Holovko Mykola Vasylovych

Formation and development of the theory and methods of teaching Physics in Ukraine (the 40s of the 17th century – the 30s of the 20th century)


Kryshtanovych Svitlana V.

Theoretical and methodical bases of formation of professional competence of future managers of physical culture and sports


Chervinska Inna

Theory and methods of organization of socio-cultural space of secondary school in mountainous areas


Nemchenko Sergii

Theoretical and methodological foundations of training education managers for reflexive management


Uysochan Lesya Myhajlivna

Theoretical and Methodical Principles of Natural-Science Training for Future Primary School Teachers


Honcharuk Olha Valeriyevna

The System of Preparing Future Primary School Teachers to Organize Leisure Activities for Younger Pupils