13 Pedagogical sciences


Polishchuk Ganna Vitaliyivna

Theoretical and methodical bases of conflictological competence formation of future foreign language teachers in the process of professional training


Cherkashyn Serhii Volodymyrovych

Development of German university education (twentieth century – early twenty first century)


Tsybulko Olha Serhiivna

Pedagogical ideas of education of individual spirituality in Ukraine in the second half of the XX – at the beginning of the XXI century.


Horokhivska Tetiana Mykolaivna

Theoretical and Methodical Principles of Developing Professional-Pedagogical Competency in Lecturers of Professional Disciplines from Technical Universities


Vasylyshyna Nataliya

Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Cross-Cultural Education of Future Masters of Tourism in Ukraine and Turkey in the Context of European Integration Processes


Demianchuk Mykhailo Rostyslavovych

Theory and Practice of Vocational Training of Future Junior Specialists in Nursing in Medical Colleges.


Piatakova Halyna Pavlivna

Trends in the Professional Training of the Philology Masters at the Universities of the Visegrad Group Countries.


Yevtushenko Natalia Vasilіvna

Systems of professional development of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects in postgraduate education of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland.


Samoilenko Oleksii Oleksandrovych

Theory and methods of training bachelors in cybersecurity in an educational and digital environment.


Pankiv Liudmyla Ivanivna

Theoretical and methodical bases of formation of senior pupils’ art orientations in the course of musical and theatrical activity.


Pochynkova Mariia Mykolaivna

Formation of critical thinking of future primary school teachers in the process of professional training


Khimchuk Liliana Ivanivna

Didactic system of basic competencies formation of pre-service primary school teachers


Lupak Nataliia Mykolaivna

"Theory and Practice of Formation of Communicative Competence of Future Teachers of Artistic Specialties on the Principles of Intermedial Technology"


Sydoruk Iryna

"Theory and Methods of Social Competence Formation of Future Social Workers in the Process of Professional Training"


Bagriy Maria Antonivna

Trends in the development of pedagogical ideas and educational activities of Ukrainian writers in Western Ukraine (late eighteenth century ‒ 1939)


Hrynko Viktoriia Oleksandrivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of designing digital educational technologies in the training of prospective primary school teachers.


Reipolska Olha Dmytrivna

Theoretical and methodological ambush of the form of the preschool self-appointed


Zavydivska Olha Ihorivna

Theoretical and methodical foundations of formation the readiness of future managers for creation the health-oriented environment of the organization


Zhamardii Valerii Oleksandrovych

Theoretical and Methodological Principles Application of Fitness Technologies During Physical Education Classes of Students of Higher Educational Institutions


Dyiak Vadym Valeriiovych

System of Socio-Economic Training of Cadets and Students in the Process of Continuing Education in the Higher Military Educational Institution of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.


Kolisnyk-Humenyuk Yuliya Ihorivna

Theoretical and methodical bases of professional and pedagogical training of teachers of professional and art disciplines in institutions of higher education.


Stebliuk Svitlana Vasylivna

Theoretical and Methodical Foundations for Forming Professional Competence to Future Specialists in Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activity in the System of Multilevel Education.


Honchar Liubov Viktorivna Liubov Viktorivna

Theoretical and Methodical Bases of Formation of Culture of Professional Activity of Future Managers in the Educational Environment of University


Rebenok Vadim Mikhailovich

System of Preparation of Future Teachers of Professional Training with Application of Information and Communication Technologies in the Course of Special Disciplines Studying (transport)


Stupak Oksana Yuryevna

Theory and Practice of Developing Youth Social Activity at Civil Society Institutions


Chupakhina Svitlana Vasylivna

Formation of future teachers’ readiness to use information technologies (IT) in inclusive education of pupils with special educational needs


Gyrylovska Iryna Viktorivna

Theoretical and Methodological fundamentals of monitoring the quality of professional training of future qualified workers


Gerliand Tetiana Mykolaivna

Theoretical and methodical bases of general educational training of future skilled workers of an agrarian profile


Rakityanska Lyudmyla Nikolaevna

Theory and practice of forming the emotional intelligence of future music teachers at university


Hurov Serhii Yuriiovych

Formation of spiritual and moral values of students of humanitarian specialties by means of fiction


Nahorna Olha Oleksandrivna

Theory and Practice of the Professional Training of Masters of Laws in International Arbitration at the Universities of Great Britain


Bezkopylny Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

The system of training future physical education teachers for health care in primary school


Malezhyk Petro M.

Theoretical and methodical bases of technical training of future specialists in information technologies


Moroz Maya Oleksandrivna

Theoretical and Methodical Bases of Formation of Professional Competence of Future Teachers of Music in the Process of Professional Training in Pedagogical College


Mironchuk Nataliia Mykolaivna

Theoretical and methodical bases of contextual training of future lecturers in higher education to self-organization in professional activity


Когут Світлана Ярославівна

Formation and development of labor pedagogy in the Republic of Poland (second half of the 20th century - beginning of the 21st century)


Malyshevskyi Oleg Volodumurovuch

The system of professional mobility formation in future computer engineering educators.


Papushyna Valentyna Antonivna

Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Formation of Aesthetic Culture of the Future Teachers of Ukrainian Language and Literature


Bohomolova Maryna Yuriyivna

The phenomenon of “social education” in the history of educational science in Ukraine (20ties – 30thies of the XX century)


Lavrysh Yuliana Eduardivna

Didactic system of foreign language personalization for students majoring in engineering at technical universities


Berezan Valentyna Igorivna

Didactic system of information and communication competence formation of students of socionomic specialties


Kozlov Dmytro Oleksandrovych

Theoretical and methodological bases of innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters’ training process


Kuznetsova Olha Аleksiivna

Theory and practice of future musical art teachers’ methodological preparation for educational work with schoolchildren


Kozlov Dmytro Oleksandrovych

Theoretical and methodological bases of innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters’ training process


Kolesnyk Maryna

"Theoretical-Methodological Premises of Developing Scientific Worldview of the Future Natural Sciences' Teachers"


Ponomarenko Olha Viktorivna

Theoretical and methodical bases for preparation of future masters of psychology for professional activity in the conditions of informal education


Sikora Jan

Theoretical and practical basis for the preparation of trainers working for supported employment


Заредінова Ельвіра Рефатівна

Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Sociocultural Values Formation of Students in the Educational Environment of Higher Education Institution


Filipchuk Nataliia Oleksandrivna

Emergence and Development of Pedagogical-Educational Activity of Museums of Ukraine (late ХІХ – early ХХІ).


Onyshchuk Iryna A.

Theoretic-methodical bases of PEI future educators’ self-expression development of culture in artistic activity.


Kostenko Larysa Davydivna

Theory and practice of out-of -school education in Ukraine (the second half of the XX – the beginning of the XXI century).


Dovha Tetiana Yakivna

Theoretical Foundations and Technologies of Forming Future Primary School Teacher's Personal and Professional Image.


KotelianetsYuliia Serhiivna

Theory and methods of professional training of future pre-school teachers for formation of older preschool children's creativity by means of integration of speech and constructive activities.


Chystiakova Liudmyla Oleksandrivna

Theory and practice of development of the ecological culture of future teachers of labor education and technologies in the process of level training.


Dmitrenko Natalia Yevheniyivna

Methodological System of Autonomous Learning of Professionally Oriented English Communication of Prospective Teachers of Mathematics.


Denysova Lolita V.

The theoretical and methodological principles of professional training of prospective masters in physical culture and sport using information and communication technologies


Kondrashov Mykola Mykolayovych

Theoretical and methodological principles of quality management training of future teachers for successful professional activity in the context of university education


Fert Olha H.

Differentiated Approach to Children with Mental Development Disorders in Inclusive Educational Process


Voloshynov Serhii Anatoliiovych

Theoretical and Methodological Basis of Professional Training of Future Marine Specialists by Means of Information and Technological Educational Environment.


Chubrei Oleksandra Stepanivna

Competency-Based Approach in the System of Preparing Future Teachers of Geography to Their Professional Activity.


Kashyna Ganna S.

Thеоrеtісаl аnd mеthоdоlоgісаl fоundаtіоns оf іnfоrmаtіоn аnd tесhnоlоgіс suрроrt fоr nаturаl-sсіеnсе аnd humаnіtаrіаn trаіnіng оf tеасhеrs wіthіn thе systеm оf роstgrаduаtе еduсаtіоn


Sych Tetiana Volodymyryvna

Development of research methodology of education management problems in history of domestic pedagogical science (the second half of the 20th − the beginning of the 21st century)


Karamanov Oleksii Vladyslavovych

Theory and practice of pedagogical activity of museums in the modern educational space of Ukraine


Olena Titova

The system for development of agricultural engineering students’ creative potential


Radkevych Oleksandr

Theoretical and methodical principles of developing legal culture in teaching staff from professional education schools


Tyulpa Tetyana

The System of Forming Social Competency in Future Socionomic Specialists during Professional Training


Shevchenko Yulia Mykhailivna

Theoretical and methodological foundations of University students’ readiness for the spiritual and moral development of primary schoolchildren in a cross-cultural space.


Tkachenko Nataliia

Тhеоretical and methodical grounds of future foreign languages teachers’ professional image forming at pedagogical higher educational establishmets


Onypchenko Oksana Igorivna

Sex-role socialization of children and adolescents in Ukraine (the 20th century)


Voronova Nadiia Serhiyivna

The System of Developing the Future Culturologists’ Professional Competence Using Digital Technologies.


Kharchenko Inna Ivanivna

Theoretical and practical bases of formation of culture of professional communication of future specialists in economy in the information-educational environment of university


Bilyakovska Olha Orestivna

The System of Quality Assurance of Teacher Training in the Republic of Poland and in Ukraine


Udovychenko Larysa Mykolayivna

Theory and methods of teaching literary characters for foreign literature courses in high school


Tverdokhlib Tetiana Serhiivna

Theory and Practice of Development of Pedagogical Education in the System of Educational Institutions of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine (the 19th – early 20th century).


Terenko Olena Oleksiivna

Tendencies of Adult Education Development in the USA and Canada (the Second Half of the XX – Beginning of the XXI Century)


Krsek Olha Yevhenivna

Theory and practice of organization of language education of national minorities in the United States (second half of the 20th century - beginning of the 21st century).


КУЛЬЧИЦЬКИЙ Віталій Йосипович

The theory and practice of patriotic education in the schools of Ukraine (1945–2019)


Tovkanets Oksana Sergiivna

Systems of training the education management specialists in Central European countries (second half of the XX - early XXI century).


Tushko Klavdiia Yuriivna

System of Future State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Officers Training for Professional Interaction.


Marchenko Olha Hennvdiivna

Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Formation of Educational Environment in Higher Military Aviation Educational Establishments.


Vlasova Inna Volodymyrivna

Expansion of university financial autonomy: policy and management dimensions


Mykhaskova Maryna Anatoliivna

System of Professional Experience Formation of Music-Pedagogical Activity of the Future Teachers of Music Art


Shmyr Mariia Fedorivna

Didactic foundations for the implementation of the activity approach in the process of a foreign language teacher training


Berezovska Liudmyla Ivanivna

The theoretical and methodical bases of formation of communicative-speech competence of social workers in the process of professional training


Tsurkan Mariya Valentynivna

The methodological system of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language to students of medical institutions of higher education


Franchuk Vasyl M.

Methods of teaching computer science disciplines in pedagogical universities with using web-oriented systems


Tamozhska Iryna Volodymyrivna

Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Training Scientific Pedagogical Staff at Ukrainian Universities (late XIXth – early XXth century)


Soloshych Iryna Oleksandrivna

Didactic principles of formation of research competence of students of ecological specialties


Mygovych Iryna Viktorivna

The Process of Internationalization and Its Impact on the Transformation of National Higher Education Systems in Eastern Europe in the late XX – early XXI century


Bader Svitlana Oleksandrivna

The system of forming value-semantic orientations among future educators of preschool educational institutions through the professional training process.


Kuzminska Olena Gerontiivna

Theoretical and methodical principles of design and application of digital educational environment of scholarly communication of masters of research.


Meniailo Victoria

Theoretical and methodological principles of future Doctors of Philosophy training for research and innovation


Voitovska Oksana

Theoretical and methodical bases of professional development of physical education teachers in the conditions of postgraduate pedagogical education


Oleniev Dmytro H.

Methodical bases of formation of health-savingcompetenceofstudents of higher technical educational establishments


Bkhinder Nataliia Volodymyrivna

Theory and Practice of Professional Training of Border Guards at the Higher Military Educational Establishments in the Republic of India.


Balendr Andrii Vasylovych

Theoretical and Methodological Fundamentals of Border Guards’ Professional Training in the European Union Countries.


Valko Nataliya Valerievna

The system of training future teachers of natural-mathematical disciplines for the application of STEM-technologies in professional activities


Tereshchuk Serhii I.

Theoretical and methodological principles of teaching quantum physics in high school


Sadova Iryna I

Trends in the development of inclusion in general secondary educational institutions of Ukraine


Alieksieieva Svitlana Volodymyrivna

Theoretical and methodological bases of preparation of future designers in art colleges for the development of professional career.